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-feel free to listen to the music while you read-

They continued down the street with mostly calm talk, other than bakugo's consistent yelling, everything was calm. Izuku was currently listening to 'everything black', humming along to the lyrics as the teens neared the park gate.

After a few taps to the shoulder, Izuku was taken out of his musical state, turning his head to look at Shinso. "I was trying to get your attention for awhile, you ok?" Shinso looked at Izuku with concern, "oh yeah, I'm fine!" He chirped, giggling to himself, "I was just listening to music, you wanna listen with me?" He asked the insomniac, who gladly accepted. The two bobbed their heads lightly to the beat, Shinso actually enjoying the song. "It has a nice beat," Izuku smiled at the taller boy, nodding his head in agreement, "it does, doesn't it." The rest of the walk was silent between the two teens, walking slightly behind the others.

When they reached the gate, the two parted. Shinso gave the earplug back to Izuku before following Kaminari to the ice cream stand. Izuku shook his head in confusion, 'how can someone eat ice cream in this cold' he thought, sitting at the table conveniently placed in front of the stand. "And that's why I believe animals should get a right to vote for the principle," Denki concluded, sitting down next to the greenette. "What do you think midoriya?" He asked, to which the shorter boy nodded, "animals get rights aswell," he said, playing along with the electric boy.

"So Mido, since you said you were 15, I'll tell you our ages!" Denki went on pointing to Bakugo, "bakubro other there is 16, as well as Todoroki and Kirishima, while Shinso and I are 15 aswell." Izuku nodded, "so I'm not that younger than them, might not even be the youngest!" He said happily, Denki laughed, "we don't know yet bro, you might be." Izuku huffed, "yeah yeah, anyway, how's your ice cream?" Kaminari's eyes lit up, "oh it's great, I got the popping candy flavour, it feels all tingly when you bite into it, wanna try some?" Kaminari hands the ice cream to Izuku, who denied. "I'm not hungry, you have it," unluckily for the green haired boy, Kaminari was persistent, "I got a double scoop, there's plenty for me, plus it's just a bite, you didn't eat your dinner with us last night, so how do I know you're eating?" Denki rambled, shoving the ice cream into Izuku's hand, "try it, you might like it," Izuku's nerves were through the roof, his hands were shaking as he stared at the cold treat in front of him.

"Fuck off you shitty hair bastard!" Bakugo screeched as he flew at the table in full speed, Izuku took this present from god and jumped out of the way. The table blew up as Bakugo threw curses at Kirishima, technically he can pay Kaminari if he dropped the ice cream, so he dropped as he jumped. Bakugo's hands let off large explosions as he flew towards the hardened teen.

"Are you ok Izuku?" He stood up, stumbling slightly as his ears rang, "m' think so..." he trailed off, "sorry for dropping your ice cream, let me get you another." The yellow haired boy smirked, "ok, but it has to be a double scoop!" Izuku nodded, "ok then." He hoped that Kaminari wouldn't trust Izuku with another ice cream, but his thought was proven wrong as the ice cream was shoved into his hand. "You can try this one then-", Izuku immediately changed the subject, "what's wrong with Bakugo, does he usually blow things up?" Shinso came up from behind them, "yeah, he has an overly explosive personality, not just figuratively," he pointed at the two teens having a full on battle. "Ah, ok then," he smiled fondly at his roommates, hoping that soon, he'd be able to call them his friends.

The walk back went pretty much exactly the same, except that Shinso made Kaminari listen to my music, which he surprisingly enjoyed. We made small talk until we reached the apartment, saying our goodbyes to Kaminari, the other teens opened the door to a literal ice palace. "Fuck, not again..." Bakugo sighed, sliding on the ice to reach his room. "Has this happened before?" Izuku asked curiously, giving a side glance to Kirishima, "yeah, when Todoroki's sick, he usually ends up either freezing or burning the apartment, you'll get used to it eventually." Izuku giggled to himself, oblivious to how both Shinso and Kirishima looked at the boy as if he were an angel. "Let's see if I can ice skate without the skates," Izuku chimed, taking a running start before jumping and sliding on the ice with two feet. Shinso and Kirishima watched as Izuku struggled to turn, crashing face first into the wall, so of course, Kirishima did exactly the same thing. Skating down the ice as Izuku had done just seconds before, but instead of crashing into the wall, he stuck his hands out to catch himself, Shinso crawled along on hands and knees towards his own room as Kirishima helped Izuku up.

"You ok Midoriya?" He asked, eyeing the greenette as he stood firmly on two feet. "Please tell me this won't last long..." he groaned, rubbing the forming bruise on his forehead. Kirishima shrugged, "let's get you to your room," he helped a slightly delirious Izuku to his bedroom door, leaving the boy just outside so he could slide to his own, "see you later Mido," he called before closing his door.

Izuku gently slid to his bed, a little more happy realising his bed wasn't coated in ice. He laid down, looking out of the glass door at the setting sun, he ended the day by brushing his feathers and softly singing to himself. His hand subconsciously reached to the back of his neck, scratching softly over the healing scabs. He sighed, heading into the shower and getting ready to sleep, this day had been significantly less awkward than yesterday and he was starting to enjoy his roommates company.

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