[CP] Hitoshi Shinso

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Name: Hitoshi Shinso
Age: 15
D.O.B: July 1st
Sex: Male
Quirk: Brainwash

Quirk Info: His quirk, brainwash, allows him to take over someone's body if they respond to a question he asked. The quirk takes only voice activation, so even if he can't see his victim, he can still take control of them.

Quirk Drawbacks: his quirk takes a toll on his mental state. If used too much in one day, he'll get a headache. Depending on how much he uses it, the headache can vary in size. (Not sure if this is canon, but it's gonna be in this story)

Personality: Laid back and blunt. He isn't afraid to tell someone the truth, unless he has a soft spot for said person. He's an insomniac and is obsessed with coffee and cats. He usually wears casual clothes with jackets of any kind, he also likes beanies.

Role: he uses an electronic instrument. Sort of like the things DJ's use.

Likes: coffee, cats, staying up at ridiculously late hours and won't stop no matter what anyone says.

Dislikes: the sun, big dogs, sleeping at reasonable times, most stereotypes.

Dream: he wants to prove to everyone that doubts him that he can make people happy, make people feel safe. He wants to show everyone that just because his quirk seems villainous, he can do some good.

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