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-feel free to listen to the music while you read-

I have also decided to officially create a pan cult, I humbly welcome all of my newly adopted panlings.

Izuku sat on the couch, awkwardly fiddling with his feathers. Kaminari laying against his side, wrapping the shorter's wing around himself. "Hitoshi, will you stop giving Kiri a glare please," Izuku sighed, looking back at his sleepy partner with pleading eyes.

Shinso merely huffed, crossing his arms across his chest. "he deserves it, he's the one who locked us in the laundry room-" Izuku sighed, "I've already told you, it wasn't just Kirishima, Kacchan and Todoroki helped aswell." Shinso huffed, avoiding eye contact as he shifted his gaze to the carpeted floor.

"It's Monday... We should probably get ready," Kaminari piped up, turning his head away from his phone to look at the others. "we still have three hours, why do we have to get ready now?" Shinso whined, sitting himself on the arm of the couch, falling back against Izuku with a groan.

"it's better to be ready early, just in case we end up forgetting something," Izuku countered, an unnoticeable flinch shot through his body as Lumine gently jumped up onto his lap without warning. "I guess..." Kirishima trailed off, already beginning to stand up.

Bakugo growled from his spot on the ground, Todoroki laying back against his chest. "I never forget anything, Dunce face is the one who forgets everything!" the blonde pointed to Kaminari accusingly. "now now Bakugo, let's not go pointing any fingers where they shouldn't be pointed," Kaminari countered, unwrapping the mint green wing from around him as he started sitting up.

"what the fuck does that even mean?!" Bakugo shot back, a single raised eyebrow as the electric user shrugged, not really sure himself. "let's not fight guys, though we should actually start getting ready, if we finish early we could squeeze an extra practice session before we leave," Izuku pointed out, picking up the fluffy cat from his lap and gently placing him on the spot Kaminari had previously been sitting.

"good idea Midoriya," Todoroki nodded in approval, dragging Bakugo back to his room to get ready. Shinso groaned, but got up anyway, petting the white Norwegian forest cat before heading off to his room.

Izuku sighed, rubbing his head as the small headache lingering at the back of his head continued to throb. He blushed as the couch dipped beside him, a small kiss planted on his lips as Kaminari smiled down at him. "you doing ok Izu?" he asked, cupping the greenettes face with a soft smile.

Izuku simply nodded, "it's just a headache, no need to worry," he giggled as Kaminari softly kisses each of his freckles as he sat himself on Izuku's lap, koala hugging him. "we should probably go get ready now," Izuku breathed out, looking up into his yellow haired partners eyes. Kaminari whined out incoherent words as he snuggled up against the smaller boys chest.

"Denki, we have to get ready," Izuku tried, attempting to push the taller boy off his lap. "fine, but we have to have a cuddle pile when we get back, you slept in your own bed last night when I wanted snuggles!" the yellow haired boy childishly complained, hesitantly slipping off of the greenettes lap and heading to his room.

Izuku shook his head playfully at his partners whining, standing up and stretching his arms above his head before trudging back to his room.

His feet were very much pleased when Izuku got off of the stone tiling and onto the fluffy carpet of his room. Izuku thought that was by far the best part. He slowly made his way towards his closet, shifting through a few articles of clothing before settling with light grey -or pastel grey if that's a thing- skinny jeans with a white bunny shirt. Izuku had officially adopted the bunny as his trademark, as well as his neon green and black devil horned headphones. Completely opposite of his personality but Izuku didn't mind much.

Izuku slipped his black jumper around his shoulders, melting at the warmth as he looked down at the sewn on bunny head. It was slightly peeling off, he made a mental note to fix it when they finished recording.

Izuku quickly put on socks and his signature red shoes, leaving his room and heading to the kitchen. He still had to feed Lumine, and himself for that matter. Though as soon as Izuku stepped into the kitchen, the smell of bacon and eggs filled his senses.

Izuku turned to Bakugo, who had on a pink apron that read 'fuck off, I'm the cook' at the front. Izuku couldn't help the giggle that escaped his lips at how much the apron suited the angry blonde. He always had that constantly irritated mum vibe.

Izuku squeaked as a pair of arms wrapped around his waist, a head of fluffy purple hair planted itself on the boys shoulder with a content sigh. "hey Hitoshi, you alright?" Izuku questioned, running his fingers through his partners hair.

"just tired," Shinso muttered, turning his head to place a small kiss on the greenettes cheek. He stood up with a small smile, walking over to Bakugo. "hey mum, how long until breakfast?" Bakugo sent the insomniac the middle finger, grumbling under his breath before piping up, "five minutes."

Shinso nodded, turning to his partner, "would you like a coffee, I'm guessing you like them overly sweet?" Izuku bashfully nodded. "that would be great, thanks Hitoshi!" Izuku smiled warmly before spinning around, picking up the cat food and pouring Lumine enough to fill his bowl.

Lumine meowed in appreciation, eating his food as Kaminari stumbled past, practically throwing himself at the lilac haired male. "could you make me a coffee?" Kaminari asked, sending the taller male his best puppy dog eyes. Shinso merely rolled his eyes, nodding softly as he pecked the electric users lips before pouring the boiled water.

Not long after, the group of six -plus one incredible cat- sat at the table, chatting amongst themselves happily. Izuku had gotten so much better when it came to eating, he still couldn't quite finish the whole plait, but he still ended up finishing more than half.

"shall we get to practicing before we leave?" Todoroki asked with a small tilt to his head as he glanced around the table. He received many forms of a reply as everyone picked up their dishes, emptying anything that was left over into the bin, and placing them orderly into the sink for Shinso to wash -it was his turn to do dishes-.

Shinso washed the dishes while everyone started to set up their instruments. Izuku didn't have much to set up since he didn't use a microphone to project his voice, he made the excuse saying how it would just be a waist of money, but everyone was aware Izuku was just nervous. They ended up practicing until it was time to leave, exactly according to the Izuku's well thought out plan.

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