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-feel free to listen to the music while you read-

Izuku's face flared up as Kaminari read through a hand made book that was in the small plastic bag. He chuckled here and there, closing the book with one of the biggest grins the other two had ever seen.

"w-what is that?" Izuku pointed weakly from underneath the two boys, neither could get up until Kaminari decided to get up, which he hadn't yet. "oh, nothing too important, just a book written by Kiri about sex ed," Kaminari looked down at Izuku's rosey red cheeks with pride.

He waved his hands around as Shinso gave him a killer glare, "I was kidding, you should have seen your faces, this is a Fanfiction Kiri had written..." the other two stared up at the electric user curiously.

"about?" Shinso questioned, trying to shimmy his way out of the human sandwich. "us," Kaminari replied plainly, flipping through the book for the second time. "it's only a short story, like those one shots people write for fandoms if they aren't good at coming up with whole stories," Kaminari explained, finally getting off of his two partners.

As soon as Izuku stood up, he attempted to turn the door handle, only to find it locked from the outside. "flip, why did they lock it?" Izuku questioned, turning to his partners with a small pout. "Kirishima wrote a note at the back of the book, he wants us to act out the story, saying something about quality content for his account or something... He also wrote an apology to Izuku, apparently he was afraid Bakugo would end up breaking one of your bones somehow," Izuku shivered at the thought.

Shinso quickly stepped forward, "but we need to practice our debut for tomorrow," he complained, crossing his arms over his chest. "shit, forgot about that," Kaminari exclaimed, running at the door with full intent on knocking it off of its hinges.

Before he could even reach the door, Izuku had held him back, "don't hurt yourself Denki, we don't have any medical supplies!" Izuku pulled the boy away from the door, sitting on the floor with a defeated look.

"Hey Izuku, you can still practice while in here, and I'd like to listen to your voice," Kaminari dragged Shinso to sit on the floor, both boys facing the greenette with hopeful faces. "I don't know, I don't have the beat or lyrics with me, I left my phone in your room," he said sadly, gesturing to Shinso at the mention of his room.

"I have my phone," Shinso pulled his phone out of his pocket, checking it for damage before handing it over to his green haired partner. Izuku looked at the phone for a few seconds, looking back up sheepishly, "I don't know your password Hito," Shinso immediately blushed at the nickname, gently grabbing his phone back and typing something in before handing it back.

Izuku stared at the background for a bit, his face getting increasingly more red at the picture of him and Kaminari sleeping together, cuddled up to blankets with a tight grip. "when did you take this..." Izuku pondered, looking at shinso, who shrugged as Kaminari looked over the shorter boys shoulder, immediately blushing at the picture.

"am I really that much of an aggressive cuddler?" Kaminari frowned, looking down at his hands with confusion filled eyes. Once again, Shinso shrugged, "yes, you are," Izuku replied matter of factly.

He quickly opened Shinso's emails, scrolling past tumblr, instagram, hot topic and tiktok notifications before reaching the one from Toko. "Alrighty!" Izuku chirped happily, clicking the link to the lyrics.

He took a deep breath in and out, before resiting what he'd already remembered. Which was around up until the last chorus. He looked back down to the Google Doc, singing the rest of the song aloud in an attempt to remember better.

As soon as he could go through the whole song without messing up, he smiled brightly to himself. Izuku looked back up for the first time since he had started singing, to see loving expressions from his partners. Izuku's face flared up, he had been concentrating so much he'd forgotten he was locked in a laundry room.

"I uhh..." Izuku had no idea what to say, so he simply sent the two an awkward smile, fiddling with his feathers. "I will never get used to your voice Izu, it's angelic, just like you!" Kaminari gushed, Shinso merely nodding his head in agreement, rendered speechless after the mini performance.

"oh, uh, t-thanks," Izuku blushed as his two partners laid against his chest, Shinso letting out a content sigh. "maybe being locked in a laundry room isn't that bad-" the insomniac was cut off by a click as the doorknob slowly twisted open. Kirishima's head peaked through the crack, looking at the two with a small, trembling smile.

He immediately made a run for his room as Shinso got up off of his two partners, sprinting at the spikey red head with intent to kill. The other two stood up with a stretch, deciding to do a little more practice before their recording time the next day.

They wanted to be absolutely sure that they had everything down pat, being able to play it without making any mistakes. So that's what they did, eventually being joined by the rest of the group for a whole group practice session.


Hah, you thought!


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