Part 55: Vampire Knight

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(WARNING: SPOILER ALERT. If you have not watched this anime yet and do not wish to have it spoiled, then do not read this part.)

* *starts pacing around the room*

Zero: Is she going to be...alright?

Yuki: Yeah, I think so. Kri? Are you alright?

Me: *stops pacing and squeals* HOLY COW. HOLY COWWIE COW. So I started watching Vampire Knights.........I LOVE IT SO MUCH.

Zero: *whispers to Yuki* I wonder how many people she has shipped me with already

Me: Hmm....lemme see, about....three or four! *claps hands and cups Yuki's shoulders* I ship you with Zero!

Yuki: *blushes* I could have guessed.

Me: So let me talk about it!

Ships (I have)
°  Kaname x Zero
° Yuki x Zero
° Aido x Kain
° Ruka x Kain
° Aido x Kaname
° Aido x Yuki
° Aido x Zero
° Toga x Headmaster Kaien
(A lot of Aido. And a lot of Zero. Tehe)

Headmaster Kaien

(Okay, so I'm going to do parts for a few of these. Would you all like to choose which ones?)

~So, currently in the anime, Zero had been turned into a vampire four years before. He had been taken to the Headmaster's home to live with him and his adopted daughter, Yuki. He tried to keep himself from changing, but it did not work. Earlier before, Yuki had been attacked by a Level E vampire, and was saved by Kaname. Who is a Pureblood vampire. He had taken Yuki to the Headmaster. The two had grown a bond. Then Zero had shown up. Zero fell in love with Yuki and she had fallen in love with Kaname. Now, Zero is a vampire and almost fell to a Level E. But was saved by Kaname.
(This is as far as I have gotten)

Me: *jumping up and down*

Kaname: Maybe if I just bite her, she will calm down.

Yuki: *grabs his uniform* No.

Me: *stops jumping up and down* I would rather Zero change me than you. *sticks out tongue*

Yuki: *holding Kaname back*

Me: Well that's it for this part! Until the next one!

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