Part 19: PewdieCry

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* Yeah, yeah, this isn't a Random. *cough* Yet. *cough* This is one of my favorite ships, PewdieCry.

Pewds: B-but I'm with Marzia.

Me: That doesn't mean it can't happen.

Cry: *whistles and begins to walk away*

Me: Nope! *drags Cry back over*

1) Do you ship PewdieCry?

2) Yes, we do not know what Cry looks like, but that does not mean that they can't be together.

3) I just see it as cute. Many people ship it, though I know a few who don't. We all have that ship that pops out of nowhere that we just can't seem to get out of our heads. And this is one of those, for me anyways.

4) I don't exactly like Pewds and Marzia being together. LET ME JUST CLEAR THIS UP BEFORE YOU BEGIN TO HATE ME:

I do not hate Marzia.

I do not hate Pewds, I obviously love him, in a role model sort of way.

I ONLY hate how Marzia (In my eyes) seems like she doesn't care about Pewds. Now, it's just my mind taking over, my brain isn't EXACTLY working. So it doesn't mean that what I say will be true or make sense. (*covers face* I have no idea why I was so angry that day. *sighs* I don't hate Marzia, and I don't think this. My day must have been horrible n Sorry ..!)

5) I just love how cute it sounds and looks.....that is why I ship Pewdiecry. And because they are so HIlarious and great when they play games together.

6) The problem with this Part is, I don't know exactly why I ship them.....I just do.

Pewds: ......*dramatically falls on the floor*

Cry: Six parts, just so you could say that you really have no idea why you ship us.

Me: Exactly.

Pewds: ......*passed out*

Me: This worked out perfectly, didn't it?

Cry: *picks up Pewds* Yup. It did. *walls out*

Me: Next Part will most likely be a Random. Sorry....about this one. Well, until the next Part.

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