READ IF YOU WANT: Sorta Changed

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Guys! Sooooo, I now have two Tumblr accounts if you'd like to check them out

* kri-ackerman-lawliet
(I actually recommend this one because it will be more about fanfiction, anime, youtube, just all that stuffs in general)

* abnormal-writer (I rarely use this one because I made it only a little while ago, but I will most likely add more posts to it)

I also have a Quotev:

* DustyWonderland

Check them out if you'd like! :3 I just wanted to tell you all. I will be adding a few One-Shots and Fanfiction ideas I will be working on, on my Tumblr account (kri-ackerman-lawliet); if you'd like to check it out since I haven't been updating on her much lately!

Well, BauBye Friends!

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