Part 34: PewdieKen Request!

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* I am so happy about these requests! I love that you guy answer, thank you so much. Now, I apologize if this part isn't very good, I don't usually ship this....I don't know if it will turn up to be good. I will try my best! (Oh. And it's Neko.)

>~Neko!PewdieKen One-Shot~

Pewds claws on the couch of Cry's bedroom. Ken walks over beside him and scratches behind his ear, letting out a little meow.

Pewds turns to Ken and jumps on his back. He meows and starts playing with Ken's ears.

Cry walks over to them and chuckles, “You two are so cute," he pets the top of their heads and walks out of their room to grab some nutella.

Pewds continues to play with Ken's soft ears, and nuzzles his cheek against Ken's. Ken purrs softly and nuzzles against him.

The two move away and start clawing the chair, but stop quickly before Cry comes back into the living room.

“Meow?" Pewds purrs, crawling around the chair and hops up on it.

Ken soon follows, licking Pewds' ear and meowing loudly.

Cry walks back into the living room with nutella. “Hehe." He sits down in his computer chair and begins to start a video.

Pewds hops on Ken and starts to mess with his ears again.

--Many hours later--

Pewds crawls into his pet bed and Ken follows. They lay there, side by side. Cry walks by and smiles, then lays on his own bed and fall asleep.

Pewds soon does the same, along with Ken.

>~Back To Real Life~<

Me: I am so sorry, that was not the best one-shot I have ever written. I apologize, I tried. I thought it was pretty cute. If you have another request, I will do it. I apologize again. Well that's it for this part, until the next one.

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