Part 79: Valentine's Day Special Part 1/5

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(I am very sorry for this being published later than I wanted, also, this will be broken up into 5 parts for each One-Shots.)

First things first: I hope that all of you had a great Valentine's Day either with your Valentine, friends, family, or alone in your room watching YouTube (XD this is what I did)!

Second things second: I am very sorry for not updating for so long. I'm not going to give a long, sappy excuse, but I'll say that everything is a lot better now and I am getting settled with everything that is going on right now.

Now, without further adieu, I have written an assortment of One-Shots! Have fun reading!

~First One-Shot: Ereri~

(A few details and back story so there won't be an confusion: Eren is 14 and Levi is around 15-15 1/2. The two only get to see each other at swim practice due to the fact that they don't go to the same school. When they first met, Levi had been dating another member of the swim team, but soon they both happened to start talking and fell in love, well, the love they knew anyways. About four days before Valentine's Day, Levi brought up the idea of going on a date on Valentine's Day. Currently, the two are talking about the details for the upcoming date.)

"So, what are the plans for the date?" Eren asked Levi as they sat on the side of the pool, kicking his legs back and forth in the water.

Levi shrugged and fell backwards, laying on the pool with his feet still in the water. Three days after the he had asked Eren about going on the date and the two still haven't made up their mind on what the details for the date would be.

"Oh, come on, Levi. You were the one who suggested we go out on Valentine's Day, so you should help me out here. What are we planning on doing and when?" Eren was beginning to feel aggravated. Levi didn't even seem like he actually wanted to go out on the date, but why would he ask in the first place? "Do you even want to go?" Eren mumbled, hoping Levi wouldn't hear.

With a sigh, Levi sat back up and pulled Eren into a tight hug, giving him a slight squeeze. He heard the mumbled words, but he wasn't going to point it out and embarrass the poor, adorable boy. "Listen, Eren," Levi said with the sweetest tone he could possibly muster, letting him go and looking into his green eyes, "I'm sorry for not seeming like I know, I'm actually sort of embarrassed."

A laugh pulled its way out of Eren's mouth and he looked over at Levi as though he was an idiot. "You, embarrassed? Dude, you are never embarrassed. Ever. But its fine, let's just figure out what we will be doing. So, what did you have planned?"

Sighing again, Levi tapped his chin and finally said, "Well, I was thinking about taking you out to the movies and then out to eat. I just haven't decided on, you know, which to do first."

Even though he tried to hold in the laugh, a small chuckle escaped from Eren's lips. "Why didn't you just say that in the first place? How about we go out to eat first, if we go to the movies first we'' be filled up on popcorn and not want to eat after," Eren suggested, smiling softly over at the shorter but older male.

"Alright, I already chose the was the only thing that looked like you would like it, so, yeah." Levi slid a hand through his own hair, smiling back over at the slightly younger boy.

"Sounds like a plan!"


"Crap, crap, crap, crap," Eren mumbled as he fiddled with his shirt and pants. He threw on the best outfit he owned (which was a blue button up shirt and a pair of black dress pants he found while digging in the back of his closet). "Do I look good? God I hope I look good," he continued to mumble as he sent a comb through the front of his hair to make it look at least a little decent. "Let's just pretend I look good."

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