Part 12: The Real Deal, Ereri

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* So, my birthday is Monday. I was planning on having the party with my relatives this weekend, mostly none of them are able to come so...yeah.

Eren: Oh, Kri, I'm so sorry.

Me: Everyone keeps saying that.

Levi: Well isn't it true though? Shouldn't we feel bad? Brat, you need to realize that people care.

Me: .......on with this part.

1) I personally love the ship of Levi and Eren. It's just cute! Come on, you know that you love it. If you don't, we don't care. Are there any Ereri fans out there?

2) Yes, we all know that Levi is two times Eren's age, but that doesn't matter! Well it does....especially if you think of Levi being 15-16 years old while Eren wasn't even born. That when Eren was in Elementary, that Levi was out of school.

3) But that doesn't matter to us! If you are a true Ereri fan, then you don't care, but you may think of it as wrong from time to time.

4) Back to Ereri, the pictures and stories of them are so adorable, it just wipes away all those horrible thoughts. You see or read them and you are like, "Aww, this is so cute." Yeah, I mean the fanguys, or fanboys, too.

5) Don't worry, you are not the only Ereri shipper, there are many, many, many of us. We just don't know it. Actually, we sort of do. We see how many people read the Ereri fan fictions and how many pictures are up, and now right then and there that there are many people who enjoy them.

6) Don't feel shame! You love them, you love that ship, so show it to everyone, unless you don't want to be seen as crazy that's when you just freak out in your head.

7) Me, personally, I love the ship. Actually, scratch that, I adore the ship. Yes, I do remember how far there ages are from each other. Yes, I know it's technically pedophilia. But! I don't see it like that in anime, well unless it's an extremely distance from the two ages. The that's when I back away and run away.

8) Some ships are dumb, we all know it. I can name a few right off the tip of my tongue, but that will be in a different part.

9) Ereri will never happen, sorry to break it to you. But we can still write the stories and draw the pictures, always hoping. We just don't want to freak out and believe in it so much, we may end up going crazy. We cannot allow ourselves to get that out of hand.

10) No matter how cute the ship is, sometimes it doesn't sail.

11) But, we still love it! I wish that I could go into the anime and force them to kiss. Who else feels that way?

Me: *smiles, reading over everything*

Levi: So, what is going to be on your cake?

Me: Oh it's amazing! My friend's, well he's not exactly a friend, mom is going to put a Death Note picture!

Eren: What? Not Attack On Titan? Do you not love us....?

Me: I do! It's just so amazing!

Levi: Well, we have to go brats, correction, "fangirls and boys". Kri will be adding another part either tomorrow or tonight.

Me: BauBye!

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