We shared a uncomfortable silence before he said something that made me both feel a little assured and confused at what he meant.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that..... I'm glad nothing happpened to you..... but don't you worry I'll keep you safe..."
He said driving us back to my house.

I got inside to be greeted by a excited Max who howled for food. I gave him his meal and placed all the items in their respective areas. Brian came in after I placed the milk in the fridge.

We then got our biology books and snacks and sat in the living room. I explained more about the central nervous system with more interest now. At least my mind was diverted from all the drama and chaos of today.

I looked up to meet Brian's blue eyes looking at me. He gazed into my amber eyes but I quickly looked away. I breathed in heavily and neatened his grey tee.

" I-I need to tell you something..." He hesitantly said capturing my attention. I tilted my head to the side and frowned.

"About what?" I asked curiously.
He scratched his head before locking eyes with me. His once friendly, joking face now turned serious.

He came closer to me , placing his hand on my cheek and leaned closer that our faces were practically inches away. I knew where this was going! What the hell is he thinking?

I pushed him away roughly before he could do anything. I expected him to be sad but he looked confused and a bit pissed for a while before giving a emotionless face.

"Brian what are you doing?" I asked distancing myself from him.

"What do you think? I-I really thought you liked me! I've spent so much time with you and yet you still ....." He snapped at me making me jump.

"Brian I have a boyfriend who I love so much an-"

"So what? You can break up with him? I'll take care of you.... I'll make you more happy then that Logan ever did... I love you!" He growled taking my hands in his. I pulled away sharply and got up off the couch.

"First Adam, then those creeps and now you! I thought you were my friend and that's what I've ever been to you a friend. I'm sorry if you took my friendship in the wrong way .... I never intended it!" I said in between sobs. Can this day get any worse. He stood up and tried wiping my tears but I stopped him. I can't take this! Not now!

"Leave Brian! " I said looking down.

He grabbed my shoulders gently.

"Leave now! Get out!" I snapped at him , stomping all way to the door and opening it for him to leave. He closed his eyes and sighed. He walked out and looked back one last time.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have..... we'll just be friends... forget about this! Please don't be upset.... good night " he said sadly and walking away. I shut the door and slide to the floor, hugging my knees and sobbing quietly.


~ Unknown's POV ~

I just got new Sim cards the other day, just six but I know it's not enough.

I looked at the photos I took of her. I think I have about fifty and another ten from today which I need to frame. All her photos are framed, some on my study table, lots on the walls, some in my wardrobe, she's just in every corner of my room. I wish she was here. I wish she could hear me out as I confessed my love to her.....

I wish she'd leave that shithead Logan and be with me.....
I grabbed a photo I took today of her sitting at lunch with her friends. Her eyes glittering like diamonds... Her smile is just everything I ever need.

Why didn't you hear me out? Why did you reject me? Why! Why! Why! I said to her in the photo.
I placed the frame to my chest and laid on my bed.

Oh darling! It would've been easier if you didn't reject me and simply gave in to me..... but it looks like I'll have to take you by force.... Time to initiate Plan B. I'm taking you away and I'll make you love me.... whether you like it or not!



Sorry for the late update guys🙁. I'll do better😉


I finally got to this part! Yipee! Now things will get ugly from here 😁. I shouldn't be telling you this 🤔

Anyways what do you think about this chapter? Who is Unknown? I'm trying my best shut up & not tell you 😄. Whats the "Plan B"?

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Until next time my lovelies

You Are MineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora