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I've been relaxing on my parents bed for the past half hour, just looking up at the ceiling where several drawings have been blue-tacked to the white paper for over a decade. Whenever I got an achievement, it would either be put on the mantelpiece or fridge for visitors to see. My drawing's were different. If I created something they deemed a masterpiece, they would stick it to their ceiling to start their morning's off with a smile. Seeing them now, they are atrocious, yet I do something similar with the triplets' art.

If Dylan styles my hair in a new way, I take a photo and post it online as well as put it into a scrapbook for him to follow his improvements over time. Ash loves to bake with Lex, we always take a photo and have started creating our own cookbook. Ame is slightly different. We video all of her achievements; how fast she can run around the house, how many squats she can do with one of her brother's on her back, anything athletic really.

Thinking about Mum and Dad still hurts from time to time, even after three and a half years. Even so, I know how proud they'd be of me. I took over the business, and have increased our profits by twenty percent, not to mention the other areas we now cover. They'd love their grandchildren and future daughter-in-law. Dad would definitely treat me to a pizza for overcoming the trauma I've encountered. I've gone beyond what they wanted of me, I know that from the letter they wrote which I've committed to memory over the years.

Our darling Zoe,
Reading this means we've left you earlier than we hoped. We were planning to write a replacement letter when you're older, and have begun living your adult life. However, that wasn't the world's plan.
Don't get held up on these events, we don't want you to be distracted by our departure. We know you have the strength to become more than the Universe has ever seen. We want you to run the company the way you want. We want you to find happiness by finding someone to love and start your own family, you will be an extraordinary Mother. You can make a difference on this troubled Earth, that has never been a doubt in our minds.
Make us proud by living the life you want, that's all we ever wanted. Whether you turn away from the company, whether you fall onto a bad path, we know you will find the light within you and do what makes you feel alive.
We will always love you.
When we meet again.
- Mum and Dad

The tattoo is in her writing, the birds from Dad's little doodle on the bottom of the page. After all, we once bird watched together, that's why I was his Birdie.

"Ready to go, Shortie?" My Love's head sneaks around the corner of the door with a sad smile. Whenever I'm in here, it means I miss them and she knows it.

I crawl to the end of the bed, letting her lift me into her arms. "I'm sure they're watching you, loving who you've become." She murmurs against my lips, kissing me briefly. "Thank you, Love. I'll be down in a minute." I slide off of her waist with a chaste peck on her cheek. She nods, heading to the car.

The plan is to be on the road within the hour, we want to get back around lunch. Knowing our luck, there's going to be some sort of altercation hence why we are leaving early. I just want to get everyone settled into their new home before starting all of that paperwork.

Turning to exit the room, "I love you. I'll see you later." Taking a final glance around the room, I shut the door behind me. Sighing to hold back the few tears wanting to trickle into the plane of existence, I skid down the banister.

"Everything alright?" Kitty speaks from the living room archway, noticing my eyes. Taking Ame off of her hip, I bump noses with the lovely. "All good. I was just thinking of the small things."

"Babes, you've made them proud. You've become everything they wanted and more." She kisses me quickly, the girl in my arms gagging and spluttering. Giggling, I press my lips all over my daughter's face, the squeals lightening my mood.

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