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The next three years are a total nightmare. Some days pass in a breath. Other's drag along like the sun is never going to set. As baby's, the three tots were easy enough to manage since they didn't run off every time I asked them to do something. We had a routine of feeding every two hours, nappy changes between naps while we went about our usual business between tasks.

Now, I have to deal with a crying toddler every ten minutes after they get into a brawl. We have to make a meal large enough to feed a school full of children. We have to be thoroughly active. At least I get to sleep eight hours a night again.

We have become a true family, not that there was ever a doubt. My heart is constantly melting as beautiful moments pass by. Such as when I go down to the living room after a business meeting online to find Lex rolling around on the floor with them, pretending to be a Monster while they squeal and run away or attempt to slay her. My baby's are growing up and it hurts my heart, but they will always be baby's in my mind.

There have obviously been moments when I want to tear my hair out. Three toddler Werewolves is more than a handful. Amelia and Ash have a habit of encouraging each other to cause chaos while Dylan watches with a frown.

Rosie has been begging Oliver to let her have a baby for two years, I'm constantly reminding her that it isn't always this perfect dream. She sees the wonderful moments on the phone, not the Hell that takes over most days.

"Amelia, put your shoes on. Ashton, get your hands out of the biscuits for the tenth time! Dylan, put your clothes on." While I'm putting another load of washing on, Lex is shouting in the living room to try and get the terrors ready for our daily run. Every lunch time we go out to the forest, shift and burn off some of their energy, otherwise there is no peace at bedtime.

Lex never joins in. She sits without things since she doesn't shift. She claims that after spending several years in her Wolf form, she doesn't want to phase again, but I know better. Obviously I don't push the matter, I just wish she would open up to me more about her past.

"Listen to your Mother!" I raise my voice a touch, hearing them scamper around to do as told. She groans while I toss the last of the washing in the dryer for when we get back.

"Ready to go?" I snake my arm around her waist, tugging her down on her side to give her a soft kiss on the cheek. She drags her hands down her face, already tired of the day.

We've learnt that like many supernatural siblings that shared a womb, they can do incredible unusual things. Dylan has always been prone to nightmares, about a year ago we stopped worrying about comforting the lamb as his brother and sister would mix into his dreams, keeping him safe in the other world. They recently found that they can communicate with each other in their heads which is useful to us when they always tattle on the other to avoid punishment - typically Dylan tells on the other two.

Clapping, they come scurrying over with their bags. They look like a tornado swept them up and spit them out again. Their adorable faces always reveal when they've been causing mayhem. Ame's hair is a mess from tackling her brother earlier, she clearly won from the healing bruise on Ash's cheek. Dylan is always well kept, staying away from his siblings when they start fighting. His tight brown curls are still as neatly kept as when I crushed them this morning.

"Come on then, Monsters. Let's get going." The boldest of the three, Amelia, runs to the door. Ashton follows as she sticks her tongue out at him, starting another challenge. Lex follows behind them quickly while I'm with Dyl. I smile down to him, gently pinching his nose and wiggling it around. He giggles excitedly, taking the offer to sprint after his brother and sister; he always waits for us to tell him it is ok.

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