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I had been enjoying the small amount of sleep I was granted by the Sandman, but now some fool is tapping my shoulder and thigh in an attempt to coax me awake from my sweet slumber. Typically, I don't mind waking up with being a morning person, but that's always forgotten when tired.

It's probably only been an hour or two since I actually fell asleep. Leah came in to check on me. She saw that I was still awake and demanded that I try harder or I wouldn't be allowed my dessert. Considering the meals here are crap, I don't want to miss out on the only tolerable thing.

Whoever it is trying to wake me doesn't seem to be understanding what my lack of response indicates. They've already managed to drag me from my peaceful dreamless state with their wicked actions. If they don't cease this torture, I'm going to slap them into next year.

"Zoe, Baby?" Mother is here again, I thought I banned her? "Birdie." Dad's here also, making it more understandable as to why she's here. "Miss Smith?" Isn't that Leah? I should just open my eyes, that would solve everything.

"Can a girl get some silence?" I grunt enough for the touching to stop. Two types of laughter ring around the room heartily while my Mother's groaning stands above it, begging that I act like a normal teenager for a minute. "I have barely been asleep for an hour, now I have to get up?" My lashes flutter to reveal narrowed eyes.

"Come on, Baby. Nurse Leah needs to do some more checks, and you're being difficult." She finishes with an apology to Leah who admits that it isn't a problem. "She was the one that demanded I sleep." My hand lifts to motion to the woman before flopping against the bed again, my limbs feel kind of heavy.

Sitting up, I grin like a spoiled brat and assassin combined. Just because I'm behaving doesn't mean they are forgiven for their crimes. I need my rejuvenating hibernation after everything this week has brought me.

"You're such a nightmare at times, Zoe." Her head is in her hands, back pressed against the wall to the side of me as though trying to disappear through it due to the mortification I have caused. "You're the one who chose to give birth to me." As I start up a new debate, Father turns to Leah to strike up a conversation while we argue.

"Not like I had much choice, you were premature." She turns, sticking out her bottom lip like she's won the fight. "You still chose to conceive me." My comment makes her bite her lip, I give a wink. "Yet you still love me." She softens at the comment, smiling happily and agreeing.

"I hate to interrupt, but I really do need to get these evaluations done." Leah steps over, flashing me the familiar folder. "Can I shower after? I feel like I've taken a mud bath."

"Of course, but you will need to make sure none of your bandages get wet." She says that, but we both know I'm going to have something to say about the fact. "So basically I can wash one hand and one foot, that's brilliant."

"I'm sure you'll figure something out," She giggles. "Alright then, deal." I hold my hand out like a professional business woman, which she joyfully shakes. "Just basic questions: Are you in any pain?"

"Not at all." She squints, flicking through her papers. "Even if you apply pressure?" I wiggle about to see if anything burns, then press on top of a few white sheets. "Not a single twinge." Her eyebrows shoot up. I guess I'm supposed to feel something and I don't recall being on any pain meds.

"Ok, moving on. Have you noticed any symptoms of infection? Such as fever, aches, fatigue." I shake my head throughout the question. "I feel fine, but quite hungry." She smiles back, sniggering a little. "Any discomfort?"

"I feel like a month old greasy burger, does that count?" I hear Mother grumble under her breath while Father chuckles. "Just let me disconnect you from the machines before you run off into the bathroom and rip open your skin in the process."

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