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"Are you sure that you can go back to work already?" Jeno's voice through the speaker sounded worried. It was Thursday morning and Yujin was preparing for the mid-day shift. Luckily, she had managed to work from home on Wednesday, since she had kept zoning out most of the day due to the concussion and the pain in her arm.

Yujin, who had been looking at the nasty cut on her tricep, glanced at the phone on the bathroom counter and was relieved that she had downplayed her wounds when he had asked about them. She had told him that she had a mild headache and some small cuts and bruises, despite knowing that it would offend him if he'd learn that she had lied to him.

At this moment, it was crucial that he'd stay home and safe, and she was well aware of the fact that if she had told him the truth, he wouldn't have listened to her. So, it was better if he wouldn't find out, that after their escape on Tuesday, she had passed out in the bus (and then again later on her sofa when she finally got home) because of a concussion. She was also planning to keep it to herself, how the ugly cut on her upper arm was probably getting infected.

Yujin had tried to wash it and cover it with gauze but even though it wasn't bleeding anymore, the skin around the cut felt uncomfortably tight and had turned red during the night. Truth to be told, Yujin suspected that the wound might've needed stitches.

"Yeah, of course I am sure", she answered cheerily and looked through the cabinets once again, trying to find something that would disinfect the wound. She knew that they'd run out of that stuff when Taeil had cut his finger while chopping onion weeks ago, but she was still hopeful. "I'm all good now." Yujin felt bad for her blatant lies, even though she was doing it to keep him safe.

"You don't have a concussion or anything?" Jeno asked while Yujin started to wrap gauze over her arm. She always felt better once the wound was hidden, even though it didn't help with the pain. "Shouldn't you go see doctor, just in case?"

"Don't worry", Yujin tried to calm his nerves and tucked the corner of the gauze so that it would stay in place. "Just take care of yourself, okay? Didn't you sprain your ankle?"

While Jeno hadn't encountered any of their attackers face to face, one of them had followed him, forcing him to run through the surprisingly slippery hallways of a compartment store, which had ended with a loud crash and a sprained ankle.

"Couple of the guys are doctors, you could stop by at their place and they could check that everything's okay", Jeno offered, ignoring Yujin's concern just like she tried to ignore his. "Hitting your head could be dangerous, you shouldn't just brush it off."

Yujin picked up her phone and exited the bathroom. She should get going soon or she would be late.

"I'll be fine", she promised as she checked if she had everything in her purse. "I'm still alive and that's all that matters, right?"

Jeno sighed in defeat. "Have you even told anyone that you were in an accident, in case you suddenly pass out or something?"

"I'll tell Taeil oppa when he comes back this weekend", she told him. "You told everyone that they shouldn't tell him about it either, didn't you?"

Jeno hummed. "I did. They weren't happy about it but Taeyong hyung knows that it would be difficult for Taeil hyung to continue the negotiations if he knew about this."

Yujin could easily tell that Jeno didn't like the fact that Yujin had asked him to keep the latest turn of events secret from Taeil for now.

"Thank you", Yujin said and she meant it. "And seriously, you should think about your own safety, don't worry about me."

"Only if you stop worrying about me", Jeno retorted.

Yujin laughed. "Touché."


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