Evie Platonic Relationships Headcanons

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Mal - Evie is Mal's best friend in the entire history of the universe and quite possibly her most favorite person in the world. Even Carlos, Jay, and Ben come second to Evie. Mal trusts Evie with her life and depends greatly on her to help her through her emotions and life in Auradon with Ben. Mal is fiercely protective of Evie, and always willing to beat someone up if they dare say anything mean or hurt the bluenette. Evie is greatly protective of Mal as well, but her protectiveness comes in sudden affectionate gestures and drop-ins whenever she anticipates that Mal is receiving undue criticisms or harsh words. Ultimately, Evie and Mal spend almost all of their time together, and they are attached at the hip in everything they do.

Carlos - Evie and Carlos have a very touching relationship. Evie is always mothering the younger boy, licking her thumb to wipe something off of his cheek, and she is very protective of him. She always accompanies him on walks with Dude whenever she has time, and they talk quietly for what seems like ages about many things, including whatever issues she could be having with Mal that she hasn't mustered the courage to discuss with the faerie or whatever troubles he has had as of late.

Jay - Jay is Evie's best protector and always makes sure to ward away any boys that are looking at her with those hungry, wolfish eyes. Jay is a great listener for Evie, although he usually tries to avoid the sort of conversations that involve big emotional upheaval. He would do anything for her, and she knows this well. As the oldest two of the Core Four, they always end up protecting Mal and Carlos and watching over them to ensure that they are alright and not hurt emotionally, physically, or otherwise.

Ben - Evie and Ben love each other dearly. Oftentimes, Evie has to watch her and him carefully because Ben sometimes looks at her in a way that is a little more friendly than she anticipated. Of course, Evie didn't feel hardly anything in return concerning romantic sentiment, certainly not any more than she felt toward any cute boy. Evie knows that Ben would never betray Mal, but there is still always the potential for accidents between a boy and a girl with the proper chemistry. Outside of that, they both do excellent work together, and they are well-fit partners in both politics and conversations. Evie finds it so easy to talk to him, and Ben often opens up to her faster than he would Mal because she is so great at understanding.

Audrey - Evie and Audrey are kindred spirits in many ways. Evie is not as prissy and occasionally self-centered as Audrey, but they have much in common. These two have a great friendship built upon the strong basis of shared interests. Evie oftentimes shares design ideas with Audrey, and they can get lost for indefinite amounts of time, just marveling at all of the possible combinations of clothing. Audrey and Evie also love to sing, and they oftentimes drive Mal insane because of their songwriting and ever-present vocalizing.

Uma - Evie is one of the few people allowed to even come near touching Uma's hair. Harry is so far the only other person that is allowed to touch it--- with maybe perhaps Mal after that, but it's questionable--- so this is a large accomplishment for Evie. Uma will sit and let Evie do whatever she wants to with her hair for however long that Evie wants to. Uma trusts her completely. That is also why Uma is so protective of Evie. Uma will even attack Mal, whom she is now good friends with, in order to defend Evie. Uma also physically protects her just as Jay does, keeping the boys that look a little too friendly at bay easily with a few well-placed threats.

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