AKs Greatest Fears Headcanons

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Audrey - Heights and birds. Mostly birds, though, because she can work through her fear of heights to a degree. Birds make her nervous because when she was young, she was chased by geese.

Ben - Small rodents. Ben is terrified of rats, mice, squirrels, and pretty much anything in that family that could even be close to a rodent and that could come close to him. 

Jane - Crowds. Jane is terrified of crowds, but it's more when she's alone in them. Like without anybody she knows with her. She does fine in crowds if she's with someone in them.

Lonnie - Snow. It's kind of more of an intense dislike, but she detests it to the point that it's almost a phobia. She can't stand how cold it is, and her mother has horror stories about the Huns popping up from the snow like daisies in the aftermath of battle. There's no telling what's hiding in the evil stuff.

Chad - Not looking good. Chad wants to be the best-looking boy at Auradon Prep, and he's terrified of looking any less than positively the most attractive.

Thank you to @yungxxcam for the request!

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