AK's Bad Habits

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Audrey - Buying things and bringing them right back the next day. Audrey is officially a shopaholic, and she has a horrible habit of buying all kinds of things that she doesn't really need purely for the thrill of shopping, and then the next day when she has come down from the high of purchasing, she returns all of the useless junk that she bought.

Jane - Gossiping. Most people do not know it, but she is an incorrigible gossip. She knows everything about everyone and nobody knows that she does. The reason most people don't know it? Well, you didn't hear it from her.

Ben - Letting his heart rule his actions. He is very in touch with his emotions, which improves his ability at empathy. However, this aspect is bad when one needs to rule with a steady hand that considers the best decision for all of the people rather than those in his immediate reach.

Chad - Sucking his thumb. He has a tendency to do this when he is about to go to sleep, and thankfully for him, no one knows he does it. Yet.

Lonnie - Acting before she thinks. Lonnie has a habit of charging headfirst into situations with no strategy whatsoever. She likes to live her life by the seat of her pants, which might get her into trouble one day.

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