AKs Sleeping Habits

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Audrey - For her to be so poised and elegant in her hours spent awake, she is the total opposite when she is asleep. She snores loudly- loud enough to rival Jay- and she drools. She also is a very heavy sleeper. If someone were to have a parade in her room, she'd never be any the wiser. With that, she has the capability to fall asleep practically anywhere.

Ben - Has vivid dreams and he sometimes wakes up when he's in the middle of a particularly interesting one. They're most of the time never bad, but they are sometimes exceedingly weird or exciting, which keeps him up for a little while.

Jane - Is the most peaceful member of the entire gang when it comes to sleep. If she ever snores, it is more like heavy breathing and she usually wakes up in the exact same position as she was before she went to sleep.

Lonnie - Sleeps very lightly and wakes up if there is even a slight noise that is out of the ordinary. She is always very alert, and she has a bad case of insomnia most nights.

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