VKs Pajamas Headcanons

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Mal - Sleeps in a thin tee and some fuzzy pajama pants. They're really comfortable and she finds that she really likes how soft they are on her skin.

Evie - Sleeps in a nightgown. It usually reaches to just above her knees and she always wears one. Evie generally prefers gowns over pajamas. She prefers her legs to be bare so that she can be cooler at night when she sleeps.

Jay - Sleeps in a tank top and sweatpants. It's what he's been accustomed to wearing his whole life when he goes to bed. The only time he doesn't wear that is when it's hot, and then he goes shirtless with some shorts.

Carlos - Sleeps in a full pajama set. He's got black and white polka dot pants and a top that go together. It's his favorite thing to wear. If those are in the wash, however, he sleeps in a red one that has black spots on it.

Uma - Sleeps in a thin tee and some thin, loose sleep-pants. She prefers to be cool when she sleeps, and this is the best way she finds that she can do that and keep her clothes on. Because Uma does not ever want her clothes off unless she's in the shower or getting out of the shower.

Harry - Sleeps shirtless and in his underpants. Always. One hundred percent of the time.

Gil - Sleeps in a large tee and some thin, loose sleep-pants. He likes the bagginess of it all, and if he rolls in them just right, he feels like he's wrapped up in a happy bedtime cocoon.

Thank you to @slimeypirate7744 for the request!

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