Harry Hook Trait Headcanons

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Flirt - Harry is an incorrigible flirt. He's just can't help himself, and he loves to flirt with every girl he comes in contact with. However, he has learned not to do this in front of Uma because she has a particular issue with it. However, she does know that his flirting goes no further than flirting, and his heart belongs to her and her alone.

Loyal - Harry is above anything loyal. He is undyingly loyal to Uma. He is also very loyal to Gil and Uma's ship altogether. However, Uma is the person that he would literally give his life for and unquestioningly follow to the ends of the earth.

Shameless - Harry is completely shameless. Absolutely nothing embarrasses him, and he has no humiliation surrounding nakedness or anything less than appropriate. In fact, he's not even embarrassed if someone sees him naked.

Threatening - Harry can be very threatening. He's not physically threatening in the least, and most of his talk is just full of bluster, but to those that have not interacted with him for a while, he is very frightening. People tend to take it seriously when he tells them that he will shove his hook where the son doesn't shine and offer them to Tick-Tock the Crocodile.

Insane - Harry is just a tad insane. Mostly it's just his ability to find humor in the strangest of things and that occasionally maniacal grin on his face, but he is just a bit insane. But Uma wouldn't have him any other way.

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