Headcanon List #2

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1. Harry and Evie work on makeup together, and she always gives him tips whenever he asks for it. She's currently teaching him how to do an excellent smoky eye so that it doesn't look like a raccoon got on the wrong end of a fist-fight.

2. Evie can cry on demand. Usually if she gives a full-on pouty lip, she finds herself nearly in tears. She doesn't even know why it happens, and she doesn't always want it to, but it oftentimes draws a laugh from Mal.

3. Ben's favorite snack is gummy bears. He even keeps a secret stash of them underneath his bed and in his office.

4. Evie is not only good at science, but is also astoundingly amazing at math as well. Algebra is her true love, but she also enjoys trigonometry.

5. Jay loves cat memes. He thinks that they are the funniest things he's ever seen, and sometimes in the middle of the night, he'll drive Audrey insane by sending them to her on repeat.

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