Uma and Mal Friendship Headcanons

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1. Uma is able to calm Mal down exceedingly well. Uma doesn't do quite as well as Evie does with Mal, but she is very good at just giving Mal one look that tells the faerie that everything's going to be alright.

2. Mal sees Uma as trustworthy enough to entrust Evie with. Mal hardly ever trusts anyone to watch over Evie as well as Mal herself does, but Uma is one of the very few people that has made it to that status. The only other is Jay. Of course, it is not as if Evie needs watching over, but when any dangerous situations might come their way and Mal's somehow not close by, Mal trusts Uma with the job.

3. Uma likes to play five finger fillet with Mal. They're quite fast and they can play exceedingly well. Uma's teaching Mal how to do some of the knife tricks that she knows and Evie is always worried that one of them is going to end up cutting one of their fingers off. However, that doesn't stop them from bonding over this dangerous, fun little game.

4. When Mal and Uma are by themselves, they sometimes talk about emotional things together. They both find that the other understands them quite well considering the fact that they're both so similar in mindset.

5. Uma secretly wants to be Mal's best friend of all, but she knows it will never happen because Evie is Mal's official best friend. However, Mal has worked to ensure that Uma has a special place in her heart that no one can take. It means the world to Uma that Mal actually is trying to give Uma a place.

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