AKs Favorite Movies

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Audrey - Twilight. Audrey loves supernatural stuff, and sparkly vampires and hot werewolf boys float her boat. Of course, the character Booboo Stewart plays is especially her favorite.....

Jane - Harry Potter. She sees all that magic and is completely enamored. She can't help but wish that she had just a little bit of it.

Ben - Disney documentaries. He enjoys the documentaries about bears and all manners of creatures. Any nature documentary that he can watch, he will definitely cling onto.

Chad - Shrek 2. He strongly identifies with Prince Charming on that movie. He knows how it feels to be the best-looking guy in the room and still remain underappreciated.

Lonnie - G.I. Jane. She appreciates the sense of girl power and a woman being part of an army. 

The second part of the request that @Cord905loverStuff made! 🥰💖

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