As his kitten made his way to the coffee maker, placing his daddy's mug right beside the machine. Namjoon took an empty seat in one of his highchairs by the island. Sitting right next to his baby.

The boys kept silent, and it wasn't long until Namjoon figured why it was such a quiet morning.

"Daddy-" Princess started to say. He was slowly walking towards Namjoon, ten eyeballs looking at him from the second they heard his voice, not including Namjoons's.

"Shush" Namjoon cut off his princess, raising his hand as a stop sign.

"But-" Princess kept insisting to continue his sentence, but Namjoon didn't want to hear anymore.

"Do you really think this is an appropriate time to talk about it?" Namjoon shook his head as he asked the gullible boy.


"You know what, you're not gonna talk anymore. You won't have the privilege, not until I say so," Namjoon turned his chair around to face the small boy. "No one will be able to talk to you or they will get a serious punishment if they do, I will be the only one able to talk to you. Does everyone understand?"

Everyone nodded slowly, everyone except Jimin who rushed to his bedroom as soon as Namjoon's final word was said. Without any food going down his throat.

"Well where's that cup of coffee kitten?" He slightly forced a smile onto his lips. It was all hard for him to do this to his princess.

He dearly cared and loved his princess more than the rest, not more than Jungkook of course but more than the rest of the guys. So it almost broke his heart talking to Jimin like that. Almost, it would completely break if he ever raised his hand on Jungkook, but not on Jimin, maybe on Yoongi but the rest no.

"I bought some instant popcorn last night with Jin, want to watch a movie and eat some?" His baby shyly asked him. Trying to lighthen up the mood.

"That sounds nice, who else wants to join?" Namjoon smiled as he looked around the room for hands.

It looked like everyone wanted to be a part of the movie except Taehyung.

"No, you're coming to see the movie with us too flower," Namjoon ordered.

"But-" Taehyung was about to say.

"We talked about the talking back flower, what I say goes, okay?" Namjoon smiled.

Flower lowered his head. "It's about Jimin isn't it?"

"It's not that I don't trust you flower," Namjoon walked up to him, holding his jaw to make him look up at him. Just like what he did last night to Jimin. "But I know you really care about him, I know you would rather get punished than not talk to him. But I don't want to harm you anymore than I've done already"

"Plea-" Taehyung's word was almost finished but no.

"Hey baby, why don't you get the popcorn ready?" Namjoon said. Turning around, letting go of Flower's jaw. "I'll get the drinks with kitten"

"I'll set up the living room then" Cutie volunteered, and Namjoon just smiled and nodded.

"Should I get the bowls for you kookie?" Bebe as thoughtful as he is asked to help Jungkook's task of making popcorn.

"Yeah that'll be great actually" Jungkook laughed.

"We're bringing sprite and Capri-sun" Kitten announced as he and Namjoon walked towards the living room.

The guys just nodded as J-hope cheered as he heard Yoongi say sprite.

[. . .]

After the movie finished, only Taehyung was up. Bebe, Cutie, Kitten, Baby, and Daddy either fell asleep during the Titanic movie or when the credits were showing. But not Flower.

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