coffee pt.1

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jungkook- bottom

jimin- top


He ran his hands through his body, he wanted to feel everything, absolutely everything. And the other did too, they wanted to feel each other.

"You were so fucking hot on stage today." Jungkook groaned through the kiss, fuck his lips were so soft and so full.

"Oh yeah?" Jimin smirked, battling Jungkook to see who would turn down and let the other insert their tongue inside their mouth. And for some reason Jungkook won.

"Fuck yeah you were, you say your shy, but you're never shy on stage." Jungkook slightly panted, he let go of Jimin's lips to take off his shirt. At that time, Jimin took off his shirt as well, to speed up the process. "And not with me either, you little whore."

"Am I your little whore?" Jimin bit his lip, moaning at the name.

Jungkook picked Jimin up from the ground, and Jimin instantly wrapped his legs around the youngers waist. Feeling Jungkook's strong hands under his ass cheeks. "My fucking little whore, you're my fucking little whore." Jungkook tried to softly drop Jimin on their shared bed.

"Just touch me instead of staring." Jimin whined, grinding on the mattress to get some type of friction against his needy asshole.

"We're gonna change it up a bit today baby." Jungkook smirked, biting his lip of the thought that popped into his head.

Jimin raised himself up with his elbows, "what do you mean?"

"Take off your pants." Jimin happily did as Jungkook told him to do. "Should I prep myself daddy?"

"No baby there's no need for that." Jungkook said, taking of his own pants as well. "Where's the lube?"

Jimin had a confused face on but answered Jungkook's question nonetheless, "in my night stand."

He nodded his head, his swinging a little as he walked over to the night stand. "Thanks."

"When I don't prep you and I fuck you, does it hurt?"Jungkook had asked when he returned.

"I mean yeah, especially when you don't put lube." Jimin said, not getting why Jungkook had asked him the question. "Why?"

"Cause..." Jungkook crawled onto the bed, keeping Jimin's legs down as he was on top of him. "I'm the bottom tonight."

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