birthday boy/ot7

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It was Jungkooks birthday and Seokjin wanted to surprise him with a cupcake he baked that morning. So he put a candle in the cupcake, lit it up and walked towards Jungkook's room by himself.

But when he got closer to the boys room, he heard the boys whimpers coming from it. Along with another males grunts.

So Seokjin opened the door, wide open. To stare at the sight before him, Jungkook riding Namjoon. And Yoongi kissing Jungkooks body while Namjoon was rimming him. All of the three boys were naked.

"Really?" Seokjin sighed.

Jungkook just whined and moaned as he continued to ride the older, locking eye contact with Seokjin. Yoongi didn't mind anything, he went on marking Jungkooks body with his mouth. Sometimes having to let go to let out his sinful moans.

And the older couldn't look away.

"C-can I bring the others?" Seokjin stuttered.

Jungkook nodded.

"Ah!" Yoongi arched his back, clinging onto Jungkook.

"Blow it out first," Seokjin got closer to the three boys, holding the cupcake in front of birthday boys mouth.

Jungkook stared at him before closing his eyes and blowing the flame out.

"Hhyyung~!" Jungkook cried out. "Nnghhh, fuck."

Seokjin ran out of the room to inform the guys that they were having an unexpected orgy.

"Damn so they already started without us?!" Hoseok shook his head, following Seokjin out of his room.

"I know right? You can go first though, I don't mind getting Taehyung and Jimin," Seokjin said, to which Hoseok quickly nodded and speed walked to Jungkook's room.

"Morning hyung," Jimin said once Seokjin opened Jimin's and Taehyung's bedroom door.

He saw that Taehyung was in a towel, his hair was slightly wet.

"It's Jungkook's birthday." Seokjin reminded.

"Oh we know." Taehyung said.

"We're having an orgy right now, Namjoon and Yoongi already started without us though." Seokjin said. "Well now Hoseok too."

"Oh," Jimin had formed an o shape with his lips.

"I want you guys to join." Seokjin pointed out.

"I'll never say no to that." Jimin walked towards the door, grabbing Taehyung's wrist. "We're both going."

"Damn, Namjoon couldn't help himself anymore?" Taehyung chuckled. He licked his lips.

"Wait, you guys can go first, I kind of want to dress up," Jimin softly smiled.

Seokjin felt his body tense, he loved when Jimin dressed up.

"Don't take too long princess," Taehyung kissed the boys cheek before pulling him and Seokjin out of the room. Closing the door in front of them, leaving Jimin alone.

"Fuck," Seokjin whispered to himself.

"Please tell me Yoongi also dressed up." Taehyung asked.

"I-I don't remember, sorry." Seokjin responded as they walked towards Jungkooks room.

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