house on mango street

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seokjin- bottom

yoongi- top

seokjin is a fox hybrid*


"Really?" Yoongi sighed as he looked over at Jin who was sitting at the edge of them bed, guilty. "You couldn't just wait for me to come home from work to touch yourself?"

Seokjin whined as he looked down at his bare lap, too embarrassed to look up at his master. And yes he was naked from his previous attempt of touching himself. His luscious tail resting low behind him as he waited for his master to start on his punishment.

"And you're not even going to say anything, great," Yoongi groaned in frustration. "It's my fault on buying a runt," Seeing Seokjin almost looking like he was going to cry cause of what he said made him feel regretful. "I-, I didn't mean it that way- I didn't mean it that way baby, I'm sorry." He crawled closer to the boy and cupped his face. Staring at his teary eyes. "I didn't mean it that way baby."

"I-it's okay," stuttered Seokjin, a cute but weak sniffle came after. "B-but c-can you not g-give me a punishment please? This is t-the last time I-I'll touch myself without y-your permission, promise master. I-I promise master."

Yoongi sighed, he was going to give in on his baby. "Fine, but I expect you to keep that promise. Cause if you don't," he saw the change in Seokjin's eyes, from delight to a panicked stare. "Well, there's no point in saying so since you're not going to break that promise, right baby?"

Seokjin quickly nodded his head, "yes master." And then he was showered with kisses.

"Still, I'm sorry I brought that up," Yoongi lowly told the other. "I shouldn't have, I was impulsively talking cause I was mad. You know I still love you right?"

Again, Seokjin quickly nodded his head, "and I do too master."

"And that's why you won't break the promise right?" Yoongi asked a bit more serious now.

"Hmmm," he hummed. "I won't."

But Seokjin wasn't thinking of that when the next 2 weeks came. Yoongi was out at work like usual and Seokjin, well he was in his heat at home, alone.

And because of the previous actions Seokjin did, Yoongi had locked up all of the toys in his treasure box and Seokjin was just whimpering and desperately trying not to rub his needy cunt against a pillow or anything really.

Literally crying now, he just couldn't stand the overwhelming feeling of his heat that made him erupt to get off, he needed Yoongi.

It was either find a way to break that lock or, touch himself, or disrupt Yoongi from work /which wasn't an option/. Really, both ways will end up with him touching himself anyway and both ways could lead up to getting in trouble, maybe... I mean Yoongi isn't supposed to be home until an hour anyway.

Yoongi always called him a few minuets before coming home so he thought he was good.

Before completely stripping himself, Seokjin went into the kitchen and went to the cabinet under the sink to get some tools. Seokjin knew where the key was, it was with Yoongi, yeah he had to find another way to open the box without the box so he settled in with some tools. He got himself a set of big pliers and went over to his shared bedroom.

Grabbing the lock from the treasure box and breaking it with the pliers. Triumphed, he smiled and he was too impatient to put the pliers back to its place.

Quickly, he stripped himself, letting his clothes fall all over the floor. Looking into the box to see what he could use, and when he laid his eyes on a vibrator, he knew he had to use it.

bts smut/oneshotssssssOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora