Chapter 67: More Bloodshed, More Trauma, More Information

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11:46 AM. The halls were silent, the dorms were also silent, and no light illuminated from any of the dorm doors. All expect one. Team RWBY's dorm. And the ressoning for that? Even though Ruby the leader, and her teammates were long since asleep, Yang. Blake and Weiss, someone didn't. And that someone was of course me. Little young (Y/N). Still sitting at the desk, a lamp on to illuminate said desk, and still working on my equipment. With no knowalge on knowing how im able to do this. Its like I just let my hands go and they continue building. But it also helps that im getting help working on this. And no, it's not human help. But rather, help from a extra terrestrial body hoster. And they go by the name Venom. The two of us worked under the brightness that was the desk lamp. Illuminating parts of the room, but not enough to keep the team for sleeping. The desk lamp's light also of clurse allowed us to see our work and progress. But we were also being very, very, VERY, careful and quiet. As I said, Venom was helpijg me right now. So his tendrils were out as they aided me with my equipment. After some time, we had finished and had one hundred percent finished with my gauntlets. I picked them up and started to inspect them. Everything was done and in order. The shape, the metal frame, the side blades, it's hidden spikes and blades, everything was done in working order. These things were ready to face any Grimm or criminal organization at full potential. I fiddled with it, and tested the offensive features of them. The blades popped out with a clang and a swish of the blades. I looked shocked and scared and quickly looked around. To see if the noise woke the others!

It didn't. I sighed. "Gotta be careful doing that..." I mutter as also Venom retreated and hid within by body. But after the coast of clear, he returned by my side. Yeah blades worked, now for the spikes. They popped out like the blades, but made a more quieter metallic swish as they appered on the top. I wanted to try their firing feature. But no way I can do that now. That's like shooting my gun right now while everyone slept. It'll be too loud. So I decided I'll try in the morning or something. I put my gauntlets down, and I pull the next thing out, the two handguns I took from last night. I had my bag beside me, so I immediately pulled them out, and placed them on the desk.

I picked one of them, after taking off it's silencer. I eyed it pistol carefully. As I look at each little detail. I then eject the magazine from the pistol, with a satisfying clang as the clip fell from the gun. Though I of ckirse catches it to avoid it making noise. I was answered with a question that was in the back of my head. Yes. It was loaded. Fully loaded. I checked of the pistol still had a bullet in its chamber. There wasn't. So I was free to tinker with it with no negative precautions. I then held it with both my hands, and I truly felt how well made and sturdy it was. Its very light build, more light then normal, the grip along the handle, and from a little peak at the magazine, the bullets this gun runs on are one of the highest of calibers. It even had a flashlight. This gun might as well be the most well know high caliber pistol. Desert Eagle. But this is not that. It's just a highly modified pistol known as M1911. All an all, this is a modified pistol, built to do very serious damage. Though I don't know if its good or not. But either way, I was documenting it in my journal. I drew an image of it first, then I started to write about it below the image I drew. I explained about the pistol's features. Such as the grip, its lightweight, and more. After I finished, I leaned back in my chair. It slightly made a creek, as i stretched my arms and chest. Feeling my muscles stretch, then release as I relive them from my stretching. Which made any tenseness disappear. Though I still relaxed, leaning on the chair. I closed my eyes as I breathed light breaths. I was lost in my thoughts, until I heard "Are you trying to sleep?" Venom asks in a low quiet tone. Not that it would matter since only I can hear him like this. But its nice to know he would be quiet in situations like this. I replied to his question "No im not." I reply as I rub my eyes. "Oh god..." I mutter as I yawned after. I then stood up suddenly, after I stretched some more. Feeling a few of my joints crack and pop in different places. I then walked over to the closet where I knew I Hunter Gear was. "Where are you going?" Venom asks after I finished equipment my body armor vest. Then my jacket. "You can read my mind. You should know." I reply as I finished fixing my jacket to make sure it was nice and snug around me. "Wait were going out?" Venom asks surprised. And he wasnt talking about going out to go shopping...

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