Chapter 78: Experimental Training

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"Dose this spot work?" I ask Venom looking around the area. It was wide, open, and it was void of any passerbys. Plus, it was isolated from any building. The area we were in was beneath some large highway roads. The area I and RWBY fought Roman when he used that giant robotic mech he stole to combat us and make his getaway. But of course, it backfired and failed on his end. "Yes, this place is perfect." Venom says. Looking around with his snake body. Flowing out of my shoulder blade. But then he made an annoyed look. "Ugh... If only the area was more quieter..." Venom complains. Looking up at the highway roards above. Hearing the sounds of cars moving, engine working, and car horns honking. "Well, there was nowhere else to go Venom... This is the best we got." I replied looking around the area again. Yeah it will sit well with our needs. Venom made a groan that sounded like a growl. It was clear he was annoyed. "I know..." He says. "Ok, so when do we start?" I ask readying and psyching myself up. "Right now obviously." Venom says facing me. "Question is, what do YOU, wanna start learning first?" Venom asks me. "What do you have experience with using Conduit powers?" I asked. "Rememeber the nights I go out criminal hunting while you slept?" Venom asks nonchalantly. I made a glare at him. "Yeah.... I rememeber..." I say. "I haven't forgive you for that... You sick slime bug..." I said. "I wasn't gonna let you die. I made sure you got back safe." Venom said. "That dosent change the fact! Or help it!" I exlciamed. I was about to continue but Venom cut in saying. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever were learning how to control Conduit energy now." I let out an annoyed growl but I let it go. For now...

"Ok... Now to answer your question, I guess we can- well... Me. I'm the one learning. You can teach me how to control my electricity abilities." I say. Venom boss his serpent head. "Good choice. Something you already have experience with." Venom comments. "Not really experience, it was more of a life or death reflex. And it just so happen to be that shockforce blast." I said. "Whatever it's something you did before. Let's just start." Venom says. I scoffed. Before long, I readied myself for the training. "Ok Venom, hope your a good teacher..." I said. "What's first?" Venom faces me. "First, take out your dominate hand." Venom says. I do as told. "Ok... Next?" I ask. "Next, think about electricity." Venom says. "Think about what power I want? Really...?" I made a face. No way controlling potentially ultimate Conduit power could just be picked up by thinking about it. "(Y/N), it's clear you can control more then one Conduit energy sources. So thinking about what energy source you want to focus on will allow it to flow through your body. And allow you to fire it." Venom explains. "Fire it?" I ask. "Yes fire. Now think about electricity." I do as told. I'm thinking hard... At first, I just through about it, then it thought hard. Then I closed my eyes, and thought even harder... "Steady and focus yourself (Y/N). This will be your first time fully using your Conduit capabilities. Don't pressure yourself." Venom explains. I know he's trying to comfort and motivate me, but its coming from a terrifying slime parasite monster. Like how I'm I suppost to feel comfort or powerful motivation from that?

You can't. No matter what or how you see it. Its still a terrifying beast telling me this. So I wasn't getting the motivation I wanted to receive, which in result made me struggle. Very badly... "Come on (Y/N), focus!" Venom exclaimed. "Relax, focus! Come on, focus and relax!" He says again. I'm trying over and over again. Im doing different hand poses, different positions, different finger placement, I did everything. But nothing was working. And of course I was trying to clam myself and relax. But again, nothing was working. Really, nothing was working. And I was growing frustrated. "Ahhh! Nothing's working!" I exlciamed angrily. "I'm I doing something wrong? Is my Conduit powers even charged? The hell is going on!?" I say. Extending my arms out to emphasis and express my frustration. I can tell Venom was trying to figure this out. Do to this silence, but it wasn't really helping me in my case. Which makes it worse as he can use the Conduit powers esaliy, while I'm sitting here struggling like an idiot. I didn't know what to do. And after a while of struggling, shouting, and cursing. I just decided to take a break, and sit down... Just for a bit.

The Symbiote Prototype: A RWBY Anime Crossover Story (SADLY CANCELED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora