Chapter 76: Aftermath

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I finally make it back to Beacon. And sneakly make my way back inside. Making hardly any noise as I moved. Venom made that more possible. And soon, I finally reached and made it back to Team RWBY's dorm. I sighed in relief. "Finally back..." I mutter. I was just about ready to sleep. I gently turn the doorknob and push open the door. Just bearly. And I know if I opened it all the way, the door's gonna make that annoying creak. Then my whole life is screwed. I move in through the small opening in the doorway, and entered the room. After which, I lookes around quickly. All I heard were the soft snores and breathing of the team as they slept. I sighed again. Releved. I drop my sling bag, then my jacket. Then start to take off my shirt. And so on. "Pajamas, pajamas where are they? Where are- Oh. Here they are." I muttered as I picked up my sleep wear. Which I do a quick change into. I could feel the strain on my muscles still. Which made little aching cries toward me. Telling me to stop using them and rest. And I was gonna grant that request. As I made my way to the beds. When suddenly... Something stopped me. I looked down and saw it.

My bag.

I looked at it for a moment. Just staring at it. An urge hit me now. Suddenly I hear a deep sigh. "We're not sleeping are we?" Venom asks. With annoyance and disappointment. "Nope. Stay up a little longer V, we're adding those upgrdes to my guntlets." I reply. "UuuuuggGGGGGGHHH!!" Venom groans in pure irritation. "Hey you can leave my body all you like, but im adding these upgrades. And I won't be able to sleep if I don't." I said. Venom groans again. "Fine." He replies as I reach into my bag for the supplies, and the two of us start to work quietly into the night.

Little clanks and clatters come out as we operate on the guntlets. Thank God the tools we got weren't loud. Especially the drills. We'd never be able to do this. And I wouldn't have be able to sleep. As my need to attach these upgrades to my guntlets would be too great. And sleep just wouldn't be able to happen. No matter how hard I would try. Not that I want to. With the things I saw in those labs at GenTek, I know nothing but nightmares wait for me. So I think working on my gauntlets till I drop is the only way I can sleep. Yeah I know, not healthy but it's the only way I know how. And this continued through out the rest of the night...

The sun soon rises, and ones it got high enough to peek out of the horizon, it shined it's bright yellow glow through Beacon's windows. Which would hit a few students in the face. Forcing them awake. One of them being poor little Ruby. As she shifts around. Trying to block out the light. But is unsuccessful. And is soon awake. "Mmmm..." She grumbles. Normally she's happy the second she wakes up. But today just wasn't it. Especially when the sun forced her awake. "Ugh... uggggh..." She grumbles. She sat up, and tried to blink her eyes to wake herself up. A yawn cut in as it made her a bit more tired, but her trying to wake herself up made her sleepiness fade away quickly. "Hoooo..." Ruby sighs. As she then stretches. Her muscles tensing and stretching out. Shaking off all the tired feelings in her body. "Hmmm... UMMMMM. Hah." She let out a sound as she stretched. She felt good now. As she gets out of her bed sheets. And she then jumps down from her bunk. She was about to wake her team, when she noticed someone. And that was little old me. Sleeping at the desk again. "Again?" She questions. She walks over to me and she gently taps my shoulder. "(Y/N)?" She questions. Nothing. She taps again. Then shook gently. "(Y/N)? (Y/N)? Heyyyy?" Ruby asks. Singing a bit at the last part. Nothing. She made an annoyed face as she got nothing. Then an idea came. As she grabs a bottle of water. She opens it... And begins to pour...

I soon woke up, the feeling of wetness hitting my face. It really didn't take long for me to wake up. Also, the gentle laughter added to my slowly fading sleepiness. "Ugh- whawhawha- what?" I stammered as I looked up. And the first thing I saw was Ruby giggling gently. I was about to question why, but the bottle in her hand answered that question. I made an annoyed expression. Feeling the cold breeze hit the wet spots on me. "Morning to you too..." I say. That annoyed expression never leaving me. "Hahaha! Morning (Y/N)" she says. Still laughing. I rubbed my eyes as I slowly get up from the desk. Stretching my muscles. A few pops and cracks come from it. "Oooo satisfying..." I say as I relax. Ruby then notices the work I have been doing on the desk and steps closer to it. There sits my guntlets. "Oooo!" She exlcimed in wonder. "Whatcha doing here?" Ruby asks cutely. I explained to her the upgrades I added. I decided why not. And let me just say she was amazed by the explanation. She really was a weapon fanatic. She might as well have been drooling as I explained about the Gauntlet's upgrades. Which was a bit concerning... But I didn't care. Much. But here are the results.

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