Chapter 37. Infected Parasitic 120 volts

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I normally have many things go through my mind. And I've said many times before what thoughts gose though my head. But there's one, and I mean one that makes my mind work the hardest then the major question of what happened to me.

And that's Beacon school work....

The school work here is a horrible nightmare! Like I've had been getting stacks upon stacks of work. And of course.... You know. Endless amount of stress.... But most of this work and homework was given to me by that amazing...... And oh so great...Cringy Mr. Port. And because of this I've been having a hidden pissy burden with this man. I swear to you,  or only dose he kill his class with his shitty stories, but he also murderers us with his school work he gives us. And I didn't know you could die twice but Mr. Port proved you can die twice. I mean even Weiss and Blake agree with me. And if the smart and the smart laid back girl find this hard and stressful. You KNOW, this work hard. The desk I nearly was filled to the brim. And son was my patience for this.

Like it's absolutely I ridiculous

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Like it's absolutely I ridiculous. Anyways, as I was workout on my school work. I've noticed the girls haven't been in the dorm lately. Normally they would be here more often. Now recently they haven't. I'm not sure if they've been working somewhere less, or they just finish faster and are just having fun. Which is unfair. I mean at least help my out. But it didn't bother me as much. AS MUCH, I said.

As I already finished most of my work, and was about to prepare my next one. When I heard a vibration on my scroll next to me on the desk. I pull it up and see what's the reason for the vibration. And yes, I still have the Scroll that idiot Cardin dropped. And I made it my own now. After clearing this losers junk. And mostly he mostly had pictures of kids who were in a file names targets. I swear with that guy.... Anyways. I pull up my Scroll and see a message. I press it and see the sent message. It was from Kazuto. I began to read. "Hey (Y/N) you busy right now? My team and Team RWBY and JNPR are hanging out right now, wanna join?" Now Im not much of a aggressive person to teachers, but geez I kinda hated them. All this dumb work. I texted back "Sorry I can't. Literally all of me teachers doubled the work on me." Kazuto texts back appropriately.

"😭😭😭come on.... "

I snickered a bit and smirked. I was relating with him. I just want to be done with this. Geez. I text Kazuto back.

"Well I'll try to finish quickly. Really I'm like trying to burn through this damn work. But if I can't imagine really sorry."

Kazuto say a it's fine and after a few more exchanged texts. We say our "See ya" And I do continue my work. Right now my work on the an Grimm anatomy. On how the thing works, how it fights and where to find its weakest pints to kill it. Which is of course food so I know what to do when I encounter one. At least some of this work is actually beneficial. Anyways, I continue to try and plow through the work that has bombarded my night, but it the stress was winning this battle as I continue to get more and more stressed. Like my temper was reaching my limit. "A Nevermore...? What's is the best way to defeat a Nevermore- DUDE I DON'T KNOW!!" I exclaimed in frustration. I hover my pencil over the blank spot to write. "Umm.... It's the heart? No is it decapitation? Pluck all the feathers out? Dang it!" I exclaim. After a groan, I drop my pencil and put my hands around my face. "AhhHHH!!! I'm tired of this!" I shout. I get up from my chair, my temper boiling over. "I can't deal with this.... I need a break." I said. Rubbing my face. I walk the the dorm in was working in. I'll finish it later.

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