Chapter 47. First Major Fight

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Me and Ruby swinged and swung through the air. Catching major wind and air, as the wind swished and howled as we teared right though it. "Faster (Y/N)! We have to go faster!" Ruby exclaimed. I fired two tendrils from my hands, and did a massive swing. Which in turn gave us a major speed and airtime boost. I fired another and attached it to a building. I swung us through the air, ripping apart the wind as we move fluidly though the air. "Where are they, where are they!?" Ruby exclaimed. I could hear the panic in her voice as we move. Ruby then felt a vibration in her pocket. It ws her scroll. She pulls it out, and sees it was a call. The caller ID shows it was Yang. She answers and puts it up to her ear. "Hello!" She asks loudly. As of course, we were in the air, swinging through the air. "Guys where are you!? Hurry! We've found Blake and Sun!" Yang exclaimed though the phone. "Ok were heading there now!" Ruby replied. "Ok! But how!?" Yang asks. "Don't worry! Just hold on! (Y/N) will get us there!" Ruby replied. I did I hard turn to the right with my tendril. Attaching it to the building. I continued firing more tendrils from my hands. Swinging thought air. Searching far and wide for the robot Sun was talking about.

It wasn't until we swung towards the massive bridge of Vale's massive highway. We swung low at first, swinging around and weaving around the bridge's supports. Until the both of us, heard a noise. It came from the bridge. At first, Ruby panics. Thinking I causing something and was breaking the bridge. But, it didn't come from the support, or the legs of the bridge, but from the top. Where the road was. Then we bearly heard the noise of shouting, the sound of cars crashing and finally, the sound of robotic parts moving. We knew we found our target. I stopped, letting my breath and heart calm down. "Ruby.... Are you ready?" I ask her. I had to know if she was ready to fight something of this danger. As this wasn't a Grimm she could take out with one slice of its head. This was a robot. Something that was armored, and extremely armed to the teeth with weapon. Ruby take a deep breath, and let's it out. "I was born for this.... You know I'm ready." Ruby replies in pure determination. I smirk. "Ok... And don't worry about me. I'm ready to best that orange haired idiot Torchwick." I said. "Alright... Let's go!" Ruby exclaimed.

And with that. With one and very swift swing, I swung us through and into the air, as we fly right from under the Bridge, and right up to our target

Roman Torchwick....

3rd Person POV
Roman charges, and destroys everything in his path. Using the Atlas mech suit to achieve any of this. A mech suit he stole. And his reasoning for this destruction was for the pursuit of two Fanuses.. One black hair cat Fanus. And a blonde haired monkey Fanus. The same people that ruined his Cargo exchange in the docks.

Blake and Sun were jumping off cars and catching high airtime as they tried to keep their distance from the mechanical beast Roman was piloting. And of course Roman was just wreaking everything in his path. "Woah!" Sun exclaimed seeing the carnage Roman was in flicking. As the two continued to jump from car to car. Roman hot on their trail. It wasn't until, behind him, was a yellow sport bike. Traveling at a roughly matched speed as the giant mech that was currently giving chase. And on the bike, was Yang and Neptune. "We gotta slow it down!" She explained. "Got it!" Neptune replies as he reached doe his weapon. But Roman, in a mech suit that has high scanning and tracking. Caught on the his, as for defence, he starts to purposely plow and knocked cars out of control, or into the air, to thow them off. "Hold on!" Yang exclained. "Uh oh..." Neptune said as he knew, there was gonna be tight turns. And he was right. As Yang starts turnning and swerving around. Avoiding oncoming cars and wracked and mangled vehicles. Neptune screaming and yelling all the while. But finally Nep was able to draw his weapon. Taking aim, and fired.

But Neptune didn't just fire one, he fired four lucky shots on the mech. Which caused some good damage on the metal behemoth. Which caused Roman to growl in anger. But it was only going to get worse as Neptune got up from his seat on Yang's bikes and took a stand. As she spins his weapon, which soon turns into a spear like weapon. Electricity going through it.

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