Chapter 73: Nora Nuke Pancake

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So after finally sorting out the situation Yang made, putting Blake in a embarssing situation.... And me in a life or death situation that could have been worse if I did or said the wrong thing, but... It finally got sorted out. Thanks Yang....

But finally, it was my turn on the kitchen. And, to put it simple, I was scared... Very... Scared. Yes, I had an instruction video to help me. But I still have zero idea what to do! And this is coming from the guy who has bad amnesia. So I don't even know the names to the cooking tools that I need to make these cookies. I essentially was doing this blind. And was an amateur about it. So there was pressure on me, and I was fearing for my life. Burning to death is not how I want to go out on. But... I swallowed my fear and started to bake.

First thing to do of course was to make the dough first. And that's what I started to do. Mixing in this ingredient and that, then stirring them in, before adding more onto it. I continued through the steps. Slowly progressing through. Until I made it onto the baking. And making it into actual cookie dough. And surprisingly... It was going well. Like it actually was. I continued tonwork as I now found myself adding the dough onto the tray, and putting it into the stove. And closing it. Waiting for the cookies to cook up, and heat up. Hardening it and baking it. Into... Well, a cookie. It was going smoothly.

Oh did I say smoothly? Im sorry, I mean I WAS STRUGGLING THROUGH OUT THE WHOLE PROGRESS.

I was dropping stuff, adding to much to the ingredients, I was doing one thing one before the other

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I was dropping stuff, adding to much to the ingredients, I was doing one thing one before the other. Like adding the water first before the flower, and for the love of god I KEPT GETTING DISTRACTED AND GETTING LOST IN THE STEPS! It was just all going wrong...

And after I finally put the bulky, misshapen cookies into the oven, the room was covered in filth, and stains. Cooking tools were everywhere, and flower, dough, and other foods and ingredients were everywhere too... It was just bad... And don't even get me started me. I was covered in the filth, I'm dirty as hell. I was left tired, drained, and mentally defeated. As I knew these cookies were gonna come out as crap. I leaned back on the kitchen table. And sighed. "Hey (Y/N)" Venom's voice suddenly pearked up as I closed my eyes. "Hmm...?" I asked quietly. Trying to not let the team hear me. "If the team doesn't want them, and if you don't, could I eat youe cookies?" Venom asks. Normally I would take this as a low-key insult, but I wasn't in the mood to argue and I said "Sure..." I replied in mutter. "Sweet." Venom said. I sigh as I continue to wait for the cookies to finish baking. Looking at the mess I made. "God knows how long this will take to clean up..." I mutter. I rubbed at my eyes after washing them, trying to rub the tiredness out of them. I also splashed water onto my face, to not only watch it, but to also wake myself up a bit. As I felt myself feeling sleepy. Strange. I don't see cooking as something that would leave you feeling sleepy. But it was. Probably because of my consent stressing and panicking that when I finished, I was left feeling sleepy and drained. And right as I was about fall asleep, standing. A sound jolted me away. "BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" My eyes shot up and I perked up. "Wha- what!?" I exclaimed. "The cookies." Venom said. Reminding me of where I was. "Oh shoot." I say getting up and walking over to the stove. After of course, grabbing a glove to not get 30 degree burns. I opened it, and after the steam smacked in the face, which caused my eyes to water and for me to cough, until finally... I saw my cookies.

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