Chapter 58. Get. Me. Out.

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Two things happened to me and Kazuto. No, three things happened actually. Three, stupid, and very embarrassing things happened to us. And I'll name them off.

One. We both got accused of doing something perveted, even through we weren't

Two. We literally got dragged into a store and made ourselves look stupid. Made worse since we also failed to escape the fate Kazuto warned me about.

Three. I just said what we also failed at. We failed to escape the fate on having to be dragged around a girl store while said group of girls drag us around. Yeah. We went straight into the burning frying pan now...

So as I said, we were dragged into a famous female specific store, which ment we us guys ain't really gonna have fun here. Not to be an ass, I'm only saying that because I'm looking far and wide. And I don't see any man section, or even one male product. So this was an all female store. And since we were dragged in here against our will, and just got done getting accused for being pervs (even though we weren't) our expressions and body language was one of negativity.

And we couldn't even try to just walk out. As Rika was still dragging is around to reunite with the others. And we eventually did. "Ok I got the peeping toms." Rika jokes with a smile as she drags us forward. "Ok so our pervs have arrived." Weiss says. The others make small laughter. "WE WEREN'T TALKING ABOUT THAT!!!" I and Kazuto exclaim. "Now can you ACCUSERS. Tell us what's our purpose being here?" I ask. Having attitude. The girls make surprised expressions. Even Kazuto. "Woah. Calm down rookie." Yang says. "Rookie?" I say. "Yeah you still are." Suguha says. "What? No I'm not!" I say. They all look me. Except Kazuto.  "Have you killed a Grimm?" They asks me. In reality. Yes. I have killed a Grimm. It was when I first used my lightsword in the forest. When Cardin... Also threw that kar at me which led that Grimm, that should have died to Jaune went after me. And.... That was when I first met... Venom and learned of my Blacklight CONSUMING ability.....

I don't want to think about it. But, I sadly lied and said "No... I didnt." I said. When in reality. I did. They smirked and laughed. "Now. To answer your question (Y/N). We need you two to give your opinion on our shopping options." Rika said. Some of the girls smiled st this. But I noticed not all of the gals agreed to having us there as we shopped. For... Personal reasons. And of course. Me and Kazuto did not like this. As we groan lightly. "UuuuAAAAAAH!"

Ayano was the first to voice her opinion about this. "Umm.... Are you sure they should...uh... Be with us about this?" Ayano asks. A small amount of red on her cheeks. Finally someone thinks this is not a good plan. Why would you need a man's opinion? "Yeah do you think it's a good idea? I mean.... We're gonna be shopping for..." Shino then changes her tone to a whisper. But... My hearing is different from normal hearing. I still heard her. "We're gonna be shopping for bras and undergarments." She says. Asuna, Suguha, Weiss, Blake and of course Ayano didnt agree with this. While Ruby, Yang, and Rika didn't care. "Come on. The Black Swordman had faced worse then just shopping with girls. And (Y/N). Don't tell me your embarrassed to shop with girls." Rika said. "It's not really that...its more what Kazuto told me." I say. Though this didn't stop or change anything. "Well while you be grumpy, our shopping spree,begins!" Rika exclaimes. The others give out little cheers and "Woo"s. Our fate was decided. Were shopping with them. But hey, maybe it won't be so bad. Or... Awkward and embarrassong as Kazuto makes it out to be.

My words were shoved down my throat, and it was shoved deep in there... As for the time me and Kazuto shopped with Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Asuna, Rika, Suguha, Ayano, and Sinon, we've been at the mercy of their shopping. It went from shopping together. To a Girls Only Outting. And it wasn't boredom and uncomfortablness killing me. My body was also taking massive pain. As I'm hardly able to even sit. As the girls always had moving and standing. And the most important reason, they had me and Kazuto carrying all their soon to be products of their purchases....

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