Chapter 13. Finding pieces

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"There's more to me... Mind showing me why there's more to me then I'm letting on?" I asked as I walked next to his desk. "Of course." Ozpin said. He then pulls something out of his black jacket, and puts it on his desk. It was a newspaper article. I grabbed it and brought it to eye level, on the top in bold large letters said

'Vale's Famous Detective Missing!
The youngest and famous private detective goes missing, police on the scene!'

At first, I thought Ozpin was pulling something in me. But the more I look at it, it started... To click something. I looked at Ozpin. "You think I'm, this detective?" I asked. "It's the only news topic from the past that could fit your situation." Ozpin explained. "And, I didn't tell you this. But" Ozpin starts. "You look familiar." He said. I look up from the news article. "I look familiar?" I asked. "Yes. It's not easy for my to explain, but you look familiar. Like I've seen you before, like I should remember you of something important, but I can't." He said. I look back at the newspaper. Reading it a bit. "If only there was pictures in this damn thing. Who makes this?" I mutter, putting the paper down again. "You sure this is the only pieces of evidence you have that could connect to my past? Because this isn't really making my amnesia click." I said. "Yes. This is all I have." He replied. I sigh. "Well. I'm gonna hold onto this and read it a bit. Maybe something will click if I read it." I said. "Of course. Read it as you please. I couldn't bare to imagine the situation your in. Waking up in a place with unimagable horrors, with no memory." He said. "Yeah...." I mutter and shutter at the thought. "But GenTek would never do that. If what your saying is true, then..." I cut in. "It is true. I'm sorry to cut in but it is true, I witnessed those experiments that they were doing with my own two eyes! I'm not lying." I look down and sigh. "If one I had some damn proof." I mutter. "Yes if only..." Ozpin mutters too. Also looking down. "Well. Thanks for this Professor Ozpin. I'm think this newspaper will really help." I said. "Oh my pleasure. I would do anything to help you with your amnesia. And again, that news article is the only possible edvadence I could find at the moment." He said. "I will try to find more ones I have the time. And ones I do, I will inform you." He explained. Giving me a smile. "Thank you sir." I replied smiling back. "Take care sir." I said walking back to the elevator of his office. "As to you Mr (Y/N)." Ozpin said as I left his office. But fore I did, I remember something. "Wait, where should I stay? Do we get rooms? Do I even get a team?" I asked. "Oh, the k you for reminding me." He said. He then pulls a card out of his jacket. "Take his and you'll find it." He said tossing me the card which I caught. The card was gonna help my find my room. "Thank you sir." I called out. "Anytime (Y/N)." He replied. Finally. I left his room.

I was walking down the hallways of this school. Searching for my room. Only this time, I had something to help me. In my right hand was the card to my room. And on my left, was the ID card I took from that old GenTek office when I escaped. This damn ID card was a main question I had other then my absolute main question of Who the Hell I'm I? And what happened to me. Who was this Doctor? And why I'm I so attached to it? Did I know her? Or was she part of the reason my suffering from amnesia? So many questions, and so little answers. It really was stressing me out. But finally, I found my room. And I walked in. It was neat and cozy room. Two beds and windows. Pretty usual design in my opinion. Not that I knew any other do to my memory loss. Fuck this situation I'm in.

I sat down on the bed taking off white jacket. The only 'luggage' I had was my pajamas the school was very nice about giving to me. I placed everything on the bed and soon, after some sitting, I layed onto my back. Just thinking. I stared at the roof, feeling lost. Lost in the moment. Or if there was a word that was more then lost and confused, I would use it. Because I'm more then lost and confused. Suddenly, I felt the cluches of sleep grab me as my eyes begun to feel heavy. I was so temped to sleep, but I stopped myself as I stood up to check something. I pulled off my shirt and walked up to a mirror. I looked into my reflection.

The Symbiote Prototype: A RWBY Anime Crossover Story (SADLY CANCELED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن