Chapter 29. Taste Of Blood

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We've got done doing our work. It was hard and annoying. But I and the others pulled through. I barely did through. Nearly threw my chair. But I kept it cool. And I survived the class. Team RWBY survived too. Which is good. But Jaune nearly died with stress. It was kinda funny. But in the end, I felt bad. It bothered me that Kirito and his team were in the different class so that sucks. But whatever. Me and the girls we're leaving Mr. Peter's class and moving on to the next class.

As I walked, someone taps shoulder. "Hey (Y/N)?" I turn around, seeing Ruby was the one tapping me. "Oh! What's up Ruby?" I asked her. Looking into her silver eyes. "How have you've been? You looked tired, and well.... Stressed." Ruby said. "O-oh... Did I?" I questioned. Scratching my hair. "It's nothing wrong (Y/N)!" Ruby exclaimed. "It's just, in thought of a salutation." Ruby said. "A salutation?" I asked. "Yeah!" Ruby exclaimed. "And that salutation is music! Here." Ruby then pulls out a pare of red headphones. "Your headphones?" I questioned. "Yeah. Music is known to help with stress and anxiety." Ruby u explained. "I mean, it's not much and it might not help you... But-" "No. Ruby... *takes the headphones* I love it. I'll use it when I'm problems strike." In said. Smiling at her. Ruby then matches my smile and her face grew a rise color. "Your welcome." Ruby looking away. The two of us follow the rest of the group.

Ok. You really can't blame me for forgetting that today Ms. Goodwitch will be taking us on a field trip. And by field trip I mean not go anywhere fun. Just these forest near by. Which was lame. Because from what Yang told me. When she was young, field trips we're like fun as hell. They'd go to museums, to movie theaters, Carnavals almost everywhere. But here. In a hunter and huntress hunting school. You do stuff like this. Huh. Lame.

Anyways. To keep it short and sweet,like Jaune would say. Glynda was explaining to us why we were here in this. Pretty beautiful red forest. She lead us as is students follow. "Yes students. The forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful, but we are not here to sight see. Professor Peaches asked all of you to collect samples from the tress deep inside the forest. And I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so." Glynda explained. "Well that's dark." I said. "It's the honest truth (Y/N)." She responded. "But couldn't you word it out more friendly? Instead of saying 'Yeah were all gonna die if we leave in an inch of your side' I mean come on." I said. Glynda turns around. "Are you trying to pester me Mr. (L/N)?" Glynda asks. "Oooo." I hear Cardin's team say behind me. "No Ms. But I'm just saying. Dang." I mutter looking away. Why dose this blonde fool gotta jump into conclusions? I wonder to myself. She continues. "Each of you is to gather one bar's worth of red sap. However, this forest of full of the creatures of Grimm. So be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at four o'clock. Have fun!" She explained "Which reminds me, (Y/N) please stay near me since you don't have a weapon still." Glynda said. "Heh. This loser still don't have a weapon. He'll be Grimm food." Cardin jokes to his team. They laugh. I swiftly turn around. "I heard that!" I exclaimed. They stepped back. Bumpin into Jaune who was carrying these guy's bull crap. I look over at Ruby and the gang. "You guys lucky to have those cool guns." I said. Jealous. "It's just a weapon (Y/N). With weapons like these, you need training with your weapon, to use it in combat. Make sure it matches you in every way. It's more then a weapon (Y/N). Weiss explained spinning this spinning thing in her sword. I didn't know the name. " Well in short, having a weapon isn't like buying a toy off the shelf." Blake said. It I stopped them before they continued Monolonging. "Ok! Ok! I get it, I get it." I said. "It's something more than that. Especially when it's one that helps you kill these... Grimm. Mind you I don't remember seeing how they looking. Only in drawing." I said. "*sigh* I swear it's depressing seeing that you have that amnesia." Yang said stroking her hair. "I can't imagine what it's like." Ruby said. "Yeah... " I muttered. "Well... Um.. I'm off to get the sap. Don't want Ms. Glynda stalking me. I'll see ya. Stay safe." In said walking off to some trees. The girls waved and said the same back to me. Before I be reached a tree, I could hear Cardin and his team drag Jaune off. Pushing him around. Which boiled me. Off in the distance. I could see a sad look on Pyrrha as Jaune disappeared with Cardin. "Little scumbag...." I muttered as I collected some sap.

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