Chapter 42. First Step to Strike

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Now that we're all changed, and had all our equipment, we were ready to go on our first mission to throw off the White Fang and hopefully even throw off Roman's plans. And I was so ready to do some damage............ Kinda. I still have e no fighting skills. And yes, for the thousands time I know I'm a super human now. But, the others can't know. Especially find out that I'm fully infected with Blacklight. I can tell that's what they thing of me. They think I'm just infected. Not too infected, were turning into some mutant zombie or... Turning into what Alex Mercer is. All the modifications they know I have is super strength, speed, and the ability to scale walls. Other than that, they don't know I have ever the ability to control electricity or neon, ect. Or have. A living parasitic alien living in me.

But honestly, thats somewhere in the bottom of my list of crazy and scary things that happened to me. Because some of the nightmares and the shit I saw in GenTek was far worse. Belive it is not. Anyways, the girls had just finished up gathering their weapons and equipment, as I also did the same. Packing my two lightswords and my brand new scythe. I had everything ready,  now all I had to do was wait for our adorable team leader to give our first order. I look over at them. And realize something. The girls looked, kinda like. They were embarrassed about something. And now I'm not dumb or over thinking because I know how an embarrassed expression looks like, as I've did an embarrassed expression myself. And they definitely looked embarrassed. "You guys ok? You look embarrassed." I said. "H-huh!?" Ruby exclaimed. "U-um! N-no! We're ok (Y/N)... " Blake exclaimed. "Yep! Totally good!" Weiss exclaimed. Yang have a thumbs up. "Yeah totally! I'm actually agreeing with Weiss for ones. The girls all had a nervous smile. As they tried to look normal. "Yeah, totally convinced." I said internally. I adjusted my new brown jacket, moving it around as it started to slide off my shoulders a tad bit. But I fixed it. But me touching my jacket made me smile, as I just couldn't stop thinking or saying it. These clothes looked so nice. I looked like a badass, a straight badass.  Now I'm not trying to toot my own horn but really, I looked cool. And the girls looked amazing too. It looked like the clothes the gang wore before, but different. And yet it matched so well. But Blake's and Yang's outfits made their eye colors pop. Which is they theirs are my favorite. "Wow guys, you all all look good." I commented. "Really?" Yang asks. "Of course! Your new clothes really match." I said. They smiled. But I didn't detect any blush, just to tell you. "Wow. Such a kind guy." Weiss said. But with her tone, made me think she thought I was just saying that to be nice. "Weiss be nice!" Ruby said. "No Weiss, I really mean it. Your toys look good in those clothes." I said. Again, I see  Blake, Ruby and Yang smile at the complement. Weiss smiled, but still in a 'Suuuure' way.

The girls complacent me too about my new clothes too, which made me get a confidence boost. Finally, we finished our compliment session. And we were finally ready to head out. Ruby then gains our attention as she jumps onto her top bunk bed. "Alright guys. Today's the day. The investigation, Begiiiins!" Ruby says in her adorable cheery way as she jumps off her bunk. "I'm glad to see we're taking this so seriously." Weiss said mocking how Ruby can be so cheery in a well, serious mission. "Weill chill out alright? ....No pun intended... " I muttered. "Hey, we got a plan. That's.... Moderately serious." Yang said. As her gauntlets shotgun shells spin around the magazine. "Right. Everyone remember their roles?" Ruby asks. "You, (Y/N) and I will head to the CCT and check the Schnee records for any other Dust robberies, or inconsistencies. Seeing as in in the family, it shouldn't be a problem." Weiss said. "Ego" I said. "What!? In don't have a ego!" Weiss exclaimed. Blake then chimes in. "The White Fang has regular faction meetings to hand out orders and recent new members. If I can get in, I can hopefully find out what their planning." Blake said. "Well I already found two flaws in their plan." I said "What?" Blake and Ruby asks. "They did crime, so they gonna fail, and two, why are they gonna fail you ask? Well I'll explain." I said. They waited for the answer.

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