Chapter 57. Mall Terror

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As I said before... The girls (Expect Blake and Weiss) got really excited for me being able to join them on their trip to the mall. And as stated before. Yang full on dragged me out of the dorm, and I not the Hall. Where I suffered major skin and floor pain. No I didn't get a rug burn as I thought. But I bumped into many different objects and walls.

And it hurt...

Thanks Yang... Anyways. After finally walking out the front doors, Yang, with little effort, lift me up, and brought my back onto my feet. "Ow... " I groan gently as I rubbed the many pain spots that stung across my body. "Heh. You ok?" Yang asks with a laugh. "Yeah totally. I appreciate the bruises." I say sarcastically. "Come on. You'll feel worse when out I'm the field against Grimm." Rika says. I make a annoyed face. "I don't think your helping his case... " Ruby says to Rika. The girls start to have their little chats with one another (Also forgot to mention Nora and Pyrrha were here. Though Ren and Kaine weren't). As they chatted, I slowed down, and found myself walking in the same speed with Kazuto. Again. He still looked annoyed and done with it. "Hey man what's up with the face?" I ask. "Was thinking when you were gonna notice my expression." Kazuto responses. "Well. You stand out as everyone less is smiling and excited." I respond. He gives me an answer for his expression. "To put it in a easy way.... Shopping with girls with not fun." He explains. "A nightmare to be exact." I put on a puzzled face. "How?" I ask. "Normally I'd ask do you know what happens when you shop with girls, but I bet you haven't." He says. "Yeah no. Not since my amnesia became I problem." I way. I forget that me and Team RWBY haven't told Team JNPR and SWORD ART about the files I took from the fortress I escaped from. I'll have to do that later maybe...

Kazuto then explains his ressoning for his dislike with shopping with girls (Not to be a sexist). "Well. The few things I've shopped with Asuna and the group, it always starts and ends the same way." He says. "They drag me to stores only THEY, can find appeal in. Like Pink, Victoria's Secret, and any other store that's for them in particular. And like I said, I'm not trying to sound like a jerk. That's all that's happens when I shop with them. And they take so long shopping, we don't have any time to go to a store I want to go to." Kazuto explained. Kazuto then makes an expression, one that looked like he tasted something bad. "But the worst thing, of the entire ordeal.... It's when they drag me into.... Into... " He steamers. "O-oh, hey it's ok. It's ok. Your ok." I say patting his back. "Come on, get it out." I say. Finally. He's able to give his answer. "It's when they take me Pantie shopping..." He says.

I paused.... Then make a nervous expression. Now, I was concern. Suddenly the girls turns around to face us. With confused expressions. Kazuto looked surprised and nervous, but I stepped in. "We're good... Just hanging back." I said. Luckily I was able to avoid the awkward situation. And the girls went back to talking with each other. My answer helped us escape a pattie-esk argument. And I know what I said was appreciated as Kazuto turned to me and muttered. "Thank you." I only smile and give a thumbs up. But soon, time went with all our talking and walking, and soon we found ourself approaching the mall. And right as we approached the mall, I wanted to ask one more question from my friend Kazuto. I called to him, as he turns his head to face me, and I ask him the question. "You introduced to everyone in your team, but. Who's the girl in the glasses?" I say quietly. Not wanting to be rude. Kazuto perked up. "Oh. Asada?" He says. "Her name is Asada Shino." Kazuto explained. "What she like? Since I haven't had a conversation with her, and... Not to sound rude." I say. "Oh no, no. Your fine. I understand. Shino.... She's... Well. She's seems, kinda cold and blunt. And not wanting to talk to anyone. But I promise you, she's an amazing person. And is a big o' softly. She has a good heart." Kazuto explained. Interesting.... From what he says, Shino seems to be that one calm toned, and mean person in a group of friends, but in reality, they're a nice sweetheart when you get to know them. I've seen this a lot (Manly in shows. Anime manly) I wanted to walk up to her, and talk to her. But there was two problems.

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