Chapter 54. Settling the Hissing

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It took some effort. And I mean some serious effort to get Blake out that library. And especially since she wasn't a pushover when it take to strength. As she really made me have to staple my feet to the ground. In risk of her running away. And I was having some difficulty with her also shouting "Help. I'm being kidnapped!" But at times, she sounded really sarcastic. For one, that's really uncharacteristic of Blake, and those scratches she gave me hurt...

Anyways. I finally got her out of there, and dragged her to another room. At that time, she gave up and just wanted to see what was so important that its worth her time, while she should be searching for Roman's gang and the White Fang. And honestly, after those documents I took, I think Blake is even more invested into finding where those crimals are. And I couldn't point any clue to where that base was. As it's very secretive. And is heavly guarded. And plus, that's maybe not even the actual true base. This is White Fang and Roman were talking about. And finally, I'm scared because there's a chance Alex could appear, and if he did, there's no chance of us besting him, or.... Even surviving. That man is demented and is a bad case of 'A Murderous, heartless and very cold blooded killer.' He'd probably kill a child and not even have a second thought. I mean, look what he wanted to do with James Heller's daughter.

But even though I agree with Blake we should really just quickly, and swiftly take them out now, as the police aren't doing much. I also have to agree with the others. This is really effecting her health. Grades a below, as her health is more important. And the amount of sleeping she's getting isn't enough for her. Plus being tied to shit isn't gonna help, even if she found where the White Fang could  be. Being tired in a battle won't help. And luckily, I had Blake finally sitting down. And not struggling in my grip. "Huh.... Finally.. " I mutter. As I take deep breaths. "Ok... You got here (Y/N)... What's so important that you had to drag me out othe library?" Blake asks. She was tried from her struggling, but still was irritated. After catching my breath, that I burned badly, I gave her the answer. But like geez Blake really drained me. I think I'm loosing some muscle mass... "Blake.. We're all noticing your having problems." I said. Blake sighs again. Already I can tell she's been getting the exact same thing I'm saying, from other people. So already off to a bad start. But I still have a chance. "Ok I get it, you've probably heard this from the others already. But Blake, what your doing isn't helping anything or anyone." I say. Blake responds slightly aggressive. "(Y/N), how is what I'm doing now helping? I'm trying to find where Roman and the White Fang are going to be next! And you aren't the first person to tell me that." Blake says. Which I was slightly, only slightly taken aback. But I stood my ground. "How it's not helping is like I said, your killing yourself with lack of sleep." I said.

"How? No one less is doing it. And I I'm." Blake argues. "Yeah but I'm pretty sure whoever is trying to do this, isn't stressing or making themselves tired." I said back. I think I got her there, because she looked away for a bit, the  looked back at me. I took advantage of this. "Plus you looked away." Blake looked surprised. "No..! I was rolling my eyes at you." Blake says. Yeah 'Rolling your eyes.' Your moving your eyes because your think about how right I am. "No know I'm right." I said. "No your not." Blake argues back. I made a face. "Your really think you being tired gonna help you in combat? Especially when we actually go and fight them? Or any Grimm? I haven't even killed one. But I bet I'd fair better if you go out there tired like you are." I said. Blake really took a hit from that. I added more. "Even Cardin could best you like this." I said.

Blake nearly fell off the spot she was sitting on. But she caught herself. And she stood on her feet. "What?" She asks. Completely offended. "You heard me. Get. Some sleep. And stop. Being so snappy." I said. With a sterinness in my tone. This countined on for a bit more longer, but at this point. I was winning by a long shot. And Blake's aggressive personality was slowly cooled off.


Ok sorry. Anyways. It wasn't until finally, I cooled her off completely, and she was back to her calm self. But still a but irritated that she lost the argument with me. But she's fine now. She don't hate me or anything. "Now are you ok now?" I asked. Looking at her. With a pouty face, Blake mutters "Yeah, yeah. Get some sleep." Blake says. Still with that... Kinda cute pouty face. "Aaaand?" I asks playfully. "And not pushing myself looking for White Fang, yeah, yeah I get it dad." Blake says. She then looks at me as I stared back...

"...... Hahahaha!"
"...... Hehehehe."

We both then suddenly start laughing. Blake letting out a very genuine laugh. It was a very nice thing to hear, especially since, from my knowledge, it's been hard for her. And since she told me that, I've had a hidden hatred for the White Fang. And a slowly growing anger towards that Adam guy. I mean, even his voice and crappy dressing ticks me off. I don't know why, just everything about him pisses me off. Especially since he had the nerve to put his hands on Blake....

I think that would be the reasoning for my sudden anger towards that Adam guy. Honestly I wish Alex killed him. It sounds dark I know but the guy is a heartless criminal so it don't matter. Finally Blake steamed off. And she got up. "Ok. I'll take your word (Y/N). I'll slow down on the sesrching." Blake says. "Like I said. I completely understand why you want to find and bring those people to jail, but you have to check your own wellbeing. Being tired like that will really ruin your health." I said. Blake sighs. "I know. I'm... I'm sorry." Blake says. I smirk. "You can make up for it by getting some sleep. Classes ended a while ago." I said. Blake laughs at me joke. "Yeah, yah whatever you say dad." She jokes. With laugh again, and she leaves, making her way to our dorm. I pull out me scroll and call Ruby. "Hellooo? (Y/N)?" I start to smile. "Ruby... " I start. "Did you talk to Blake?" She asks. I hear Yang and the others muttering through the phone.

"Guys..... " I pause for effect... "YEEEES?!" Literally everyone in the otherside asks. "Ladies and gentlemen..... I did it."

(Ear rape of Baby in yours plays )

I hear the others on the Scroll start cheering. I just shake my head and start heading to where the others are to continue on hanging out. Good way to end the day.

"Your social skills are improving (Y/N)." I hear Venom's voice says. I roll my eyes. I don't want anyrhing to do with him. But... I must admit. He was right.

They are gerring better.


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