Chapter 60: Training with Ice

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Two, three or more hours have passed as me and Ruby trained. Going through every little thing she knows. And by the time she finally taught me everything she knows, I fight and preform move exactly how Ruby preforms her combat moves with her Crescent Rose. And of course, everyone in Team RWBY were cheering and celebrating my accomplishment. Yeah, that was the best thing I've heard. It felt good to know my hard work was was an amazing win. But im far from being done. Im still gonna be training. And my newest trainer will be Weiss Schnee. Which is something im actually scared to do. I mean....its Weiss. And shes gonna be training me how to fight. Especially since the weapon she has, it's....not really ment for men. Made worse since she has this elegant way of moving and striking when she fights. And no way im doing or being able to do it. So I feared for what was to come. I clicked the button on my Grimm Reaper and with a loud clank, the weapon formed back into into rifle mode. "Well are we gonna do this?" I asked. The second I said that, Weiss immediately sped towards me, and instenrly shushed me. "DONT. TALK." She says sterness in her tone. "Im you teacher in combat now and you'll refer to ME as such. GOT IT?" Weiss asks me. "......yes Ms Schnee..." I say. Yup. This is going to be hard. Of course Weiss' way of fighting had nothing to do with Scythes at all. So we had to improvise. And Weiss and Yang fixed that quixmly. A little too quickly since I wasn't looking forward to be trained by Weiss. I was terrified actually. Yang and Weiss made a make-shift weapon of Weiss' weapon. So I couldn't do weapon to weapon fighting like how I did with Ruby, but it'll work. Finally it was time to begin.

Training music

Lesson One: Basic Striking and Stance
First thing to do, and the thing Weiss was basically nailing into my head, I had to be in a perfect, ABSOLUTELY PERFECT STANCE, when wielding a weapon such as Weiss'. After a few tires and stumbles, and literal beatings from the ice queen.... "No! That's not how you stand! Again!" And I mean a lot until I actually got it.. "Your NOT going to survive Beacon or any fight with even the weakest Grimm! Get up! Im not teaching you any of my offensive or defensive skills if you cant even keep a stance! Get up!" Weiss yells. Yeah she ment business. And I, sorry for my language, became her bitch. And Ruby, Blake and Yang look nervous and uncomfortable seeing Weiss giving litteral army boot camp for the one weapon. But finally, I was able to figure out the stupid stance, which to put it simpley, it was like Fencer stance of sorts. And while Weiss' was like an elegant stance of sorts.

But as I said, finally I figured out how to do a perfect stance. And now we were about to do actually training. "Ok...can we start now?" I ask. "Yes now we can." Weiss replies. "First. Get into stance." Weiss says. I do as told. "Good. Now, repeat these strikes after me." Weiss then proceeds to do three forward strikes before doing a side swipe, then ending it with a swift and hard jab. Ones she finished, she faces me. "Begin." She says. Geez she puts me in such a tense spot. But I went with it. I ready my make-shift weapon, which was again. Based off of Weiss' weapon. And I perform the moves she just demonstrated. I preform the three jabs, and was about to preform the side swipe, when I felt a hard trip along my shin. "Duaaaah!" I then hit the ground hard. And groaned. I looked up at Weiss. "Uhh...?" I looked confused. As there was also a bit of pain in my face. And of course, my expression also where asking why in the heck she just tripped me. "Your stance and movement was faulty." She answers.

I sigh. "How was it faulty? After you basically torturing on how-" I was cut off, when ahe grabbed my makeshift weapon and smacks me with it. "D-ow!" "You will not give me attitude." Weiss says with a stern and serious tone. "Yes Ms. Schnee..." I say. I look over at the team. Wondering why they ain't helping me. And I of course got the expected answer, their kinda scared of her military captain training sterness. Who wouldn't though. Because at the moment, she was the captain, the leader, the general, and in my case, the trainer and my punisher. I get back up, ready to try again. I of course get into stance and try again. Three straight jab strikes, but this time, I was gonna do something different for the side swipe strike. Instead of a simple rise up then swipe, I incerted something less.

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