Chapter 19. Infected Parasite

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(Y/N) was speed walking through the halls as his heart pounded in his chest. "What the hell... What the hell....what the hell...." (Y/N) mutters as he speed walks. He was also shaking his head trying to clear it. Did he really make tendrils come out of him? He would normally think it's just a unique semblance. But he was pretty sure a semblance didn't have a deep and dark voice in his head with it.

"Holy shit.... What the FUCK was that....?" He questions. "I'm I possessed by a demon or something!?" (Y/N) exclaimed.
He rubs his head, as it slowly starts to throbbing in pain.

"Hungry..... "
"Ah!! WHO SAID THAT....!?" (Y/N) exclaimed. He looks around. And sees nothing but the halls of Beacon. "Ok..... Stop messing around and SHOW YOURSELF!!! ENOUGH WITH THIS HARASSING!!!" (Y/N) exclaimed. "(Y/N)!" Yang calls out. (Y/N) turns his head. "Yang?" (Y/N) mutters. Ruby, Weiss and Blake follow behind her. "(Y/N)!" Ruby exclaimed. "What is it?" (Y/N) asks. "What do you mean 'What is it'. What in the world was that!?" Weiss exclaimed. "Is that your semblance?" Blake asks. "Can you do more then those tendrils?" Yang asks. "Are you super human!?" Ruby exclaimed. "Ok- guys- guys... Guys I- CHILL!" (Y/N) exclaimed as he was questioned a ton. Too much for his comfort zone. "What is it?" Ruby asks. "I don't know!!" (Y/N) yells. "What do you mean-" "I mean I don't know what that was! It's no semblance and it differently not a super power! It's something less!!" He yells. "Weird things get been happening to for the past few days! And it all started when.... When I..." His sentence was finished by Blake. "When you woke up in GenTek right?" She asks. "*SIGH* Yes..." (Y/N) mutters. "Your.... Really serious about." Yang said. "Yes! I'm not lying or crazy! Yes, I know crazy people say that but I'm not... I even have the scars to prove it." (Y/N) said. "Those scars aren't any I've ever seen. So..." Weiss looks down. Thinking. "I've also been feeling sick." (Y/N) said. "I've also been hearing voices." He rubs his temples. Clearly stressed. Especially with the fight. Yes Cardin and his friends deserved it but (Y/N) still felt regret. "Voices?" Ruby asks. "Like in my head..." (Y/N) said pointing to his head. "It's like someone is talking behind me, but no ones there." He said. "Its driving me absolutely insane and really, it's the reason why I cant sleep." (Y/N) explained. "Guess that explains the mood swings." Yang said. "There anything we can do?" Ruby asks. "I guess you can start by killing the heartless pricks who did this to me." (Y/N) said. "Ok we can't do that (Y/N)." Weiss said. "Think I didn't know that?" (Y/N) asks with irritation in his tone. "No need to be rude about it." Blake said making a face. "I- look I'm sorry.... I've just been through a lot..." He replied feeling bad. "And with not a lot of sleep, your obviously gonna be angry." Ruby said. The four then noticed (Y/N) covering his eyes, like of he was crying. "God help please...." He mutters, a quiver in his voice. Ruby and her team slowly approaches him. "Guys... Please don't come near me... What you saw in the lunchroom... Was absolutely not in my control.... It was moving on its own..." (Y/N) said, quivering. "(Y/N)..." Weiss mutters. "Please guys don't come near- GUAH!!"

(Y/N) then smacks and collapses from bumping into something. He smacks hard onto the floor, and he groans in pain. "Awww come on..." He groans. "Oww..." He hears a female voice groan in pain over (Y/N)'s groans of pain. "Woah (Y/N)! Are you ok?" Ruby asks looking worried. Ruby and Blake also asks the person he bumps into if their ok. "Yeah... I'm ok." She said. (Y/N) turned his head to the girl he bumped into. He saw very familiar light orange hair. The girl turns to (Y/N). "Y-you!?" She exclaimed. Um... Hi?" (Y/N) waved his hand nervously. "Are you trying to do this on purpose?" She asks. Making a face. "What? No! Why the hell would I do that!?" (Y/N) asks. "Because your a perv." She responded. "😑ok.... " (Y/N) muttered. He stood up. So dose the girl. "Look. I'm not trying to do anything, it's some inconvenience. And I wasn't trying anything. Nor I'm I a perv ok? Now-" I felt a tap on my shoulder. "What are you doing..... To my girlfriend....?" A guys voice says behind me. (Y/N)'seyes widened was fear. He looks over behind the orange haired girl, sees Team RWBY have fear in their eyes too. "Well? Do you have an answer?" He asks. (Y/N)'s mind was racing. His mind was screaming.

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