Chapter 22. Satisfying Hunger

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The parasite that had just turned (Y/N) into a large.... Hulking, muscular beast! It was steathly going through the city, jumping through the air by building to another building. It looked like it was searching for.... Something. Or, someone.

It was running through shadows and again, jumping from building from building. It runs across one medium sized building. Then ones it reached the end, it jumped off the edge. Jumping to the next. Aha, It looked like it was searching for something. But what? Or was it searching for someone? Ones it jumps onto the next building, it jumps off the edge, but it uses its claws to guide it down more slowly towards the ground. But not too slowly. Leaving a huge trail of its claws behind. It's feet make a loud thud, while also leaving a large creater behind where it lands. But it quickly runs off into the shadows. To avoid any eyes. And it was in fact quick enough to hide, as voices soon approaches.

"It came from over here!" A male exclaimed. Then two boys came from the darkness of the city night. Approaching where the beastly parasite landed. "Dude! Look!" One of the two boys exclaimed. "Yo... What caused this?" The other boy asked. "You saw that big-o-dark smug on the roofs?" The second boy asks. "Yeah! It disappeares! The here we are, and we find thid crater and claws marks on this building's wall." The first boy said. "Take a picture of it. It might be a Grimm or something." The second boy said. "Yeah of course." The other boy replied. The creature hears all of this. "We must be careful out here. No one must see us, the world must not know of our existence.... Not yet." The black beast muttered. "Still not used to being out in the world. GenTek WILL PAY..." The beast said, but then growls the lasts part. It then continues his way though the darkness. Blending into it, while also using a little ability it had to completely blending into it's surroundings.

It was crawling on the buildings while also being invisible and also hiding in the dark. "*GROWL* Where are some snacks to feast on....?" It asks. The beast could even feel the hunger in its stomach. It was slowly driving it into desperate need. A need to, EAT... something. But it had to living. Dead wouldn't cut it. It needs to being alive, with the blood still flowing through its veins. Thinking about it made it grows so hungry, and causing it to slowly begin to drool. To everyone, all they could see is drool suddenly appearing from nowhere, and falling into the ground. And hearing the beast pant gently in a hungry and beastly way.

By the time 3 minutes passed, the hungry, beastly, parasite was already feeling like it was dying of hunger. And the only thing keeping it alive was it's regeneration. And the growls and drool were coming out frequently. It jumps from building to building, shadow, to shadow, trying to find food.

"WHERE..... WHERE..... WHERE...! FOOD! WE MUST FIND FOOD!" It exclaimed. Jumping through the air with stealth. It was turning it's head quickly to the left and right, up and down. While drooling with hunger. It was even trying to hear for anything that sounds edible.

"Don't move!" Suddenly......... It hears something, with its powerful ear-less ears. It slowly turns its head, to the left. "I said don't move! I will shoot!" An aggressive voice said. Police officers day that yes, but not aggressively and almost having a murderous tone to it. THE BEAST...... WAS INTRIGUED.

It slowly made its way closer to the building the voice was coming from. "What did he just say!? DON'T, MOVE!" Another voice yells angerly. "Hurry up and get the dust and diamonds!" The murderous voice exclaimed. "*GROWL* Criminals...." The beast growls. We, will show you what happens when you take what's not yours..." The beast mutters. It then crawls around the building and towards the back.

"Come on man the police are gonna come here any SECOND now!" One of the criminals exclaimed. "You don't think I'm going as fast as I can!?" The one packing the diamond and dust replied angered. There was four people being held captive. Two men, and two woman. One of the woman with a dress who just left partying turned her head, looking at s button that said 'PANIC'. She was about to attempt to grab it. "FACE THE DAMN WALL!" The robber yells. She instantly turns her head back to the wall, whimpering. "I SEE YOU TRY PRESSING THAT BUTTON AGAIN YOU DIE! KEEP FACING THAT WALL!" He yell angerly. Pressing the gun to her neck. "Ok! Ok please...! I'm sorry! Please!" She whimpers. She didn't want to be such a cowered. She wanted to have some fight in her. But this criminals we're so scary, and already shot two people, not killing them, but would have. So that fit in her want coming out. "Hey leave her alone!" A man said. But he gets a gun across the face in return. "Trying to be a hero huh...!? Well you must seek the aftelife!" The second criminal yells. He aims at his head. The man looks slightly scared. "No shoot him. He's the one of punched me." The third robber said. "Oh really!?" The second one exclaimed. The robber then starts to beat the man with his fist, while also kicking and smacking him with his gun. The other man and the two woman had scared and faces of pitty as thean was beaten badly. Ones the robber was done with his best down, leaving thean bruises and bloody he picks him up from his shirt. "Still have the hero ball?" The robber asks. The man spits in his face. The robber, slowly turns to the man, enraged. In response, he grabs the man by the head, then smashes his head against the broken glass cases. Glass cuts the man, and the case was already hurting him. "Please stop this!" The second woman yells. "Oh you wanna join him!?" The third robber asks. She then recoil and whimpers. "Then shut up!" He yells. After the decline robber finished beating the man's head in. He drops him onto the floor.

The Symbiote Prototype: A RWBY Anime Crossover Story (SADLY CANCELED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora