Chapter 59. Some Actual Training

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Ever since that incident with the mall, i've now known the horrors of girl shopping. It was especially made worse when Coco finally found our group. After a bit of walking. And we shopped more. At another girl store. Which killed me and Kazuto. But when it finally ended. We were reviled it was over. Even through we didnt get anything. But we didnt care about that. Screw that. Were just glad its over. And today's a new day. And, its a special day. For me anyways. And that special day for was I was going to get some training. By Team RWBY themselves. Yes. They volunteered to train me. Giving ke their skill and knowledge on fighting. Because normally. In getting that knowledge by the school. Of course from Ms. Gylnda, Ms. Tsugumi, Ms. Chitoge, and Mr. Port. not getting it fast enough.

Ms. Tsugumi and Ms. Chitoge are doing a good job with training me. Its slow but at least I'm learning something. Not like Mr. Port and Gylnda. No. Becuase from my point of few its either utter bullcrap or I just get scolled and judged. Guess who are the ones who talk the bull, and the one who just judges me. So in our terrible mall shopping, the team felt bad and thought training me their talents would make up for it. Especially since they know my slow training classes and how I just need to learn how to fight now. And I mean I really do need it. Im becoming a hunter now. And this school is learning how to be one. And the missions in this school involves life threating monsters fighting back as you try to slay them. So I NEED this. And finally. I was about to learn some actual fighting moves.

Morning had finally arrived as I felt myself slowly raising fron my slumber. Though, today felt different. As I didnt feel the softness that was a bed matress. Or on occassion, the feeling of Yang using me as a pillow when she lets me share her bed.....again. The team lets me share beds with them as they refuse to let me sleep on the floor. But they have a good reason why. Two ressons. One. They don't want to be mean and they want me to have as much comfort as them. And for Two, being a hunter or huntress, you have to be in peek contain. And of course. Sleeping on the ground most likely will give my backpains, or limbs falling asleep, ect. So they allowed me to share beds with them. But that also leds to why I woke up feeling weird.

Becuase instead of waking up laying down. I woke up sitting. And woke up feeling something against me. On my face and chest manly. But my senses started to wake up more. And I started to process that last night, I might not have slept on any bed. Finally. My eyes open.

And I slowly pick myself up. And I finally realized why I wasn't feeling the softness of a bed. Because I fell asleep on the desk. Not doing homework. But doing some studying. My papers, textbooks, pencils, and surprisingly my two new handguns and combat knife Ruby bought me. The Marshal 16. They were by far the most unique looking pistols ive seen to my limited knowledge. I haven't fired it yet. Since well, I haven't been on any missions assisted to me. I picked up one of Marshals. The one with the shiny golden gems paint job. Something Ruby absoulty didn't have to do. She requested for both of the guns to get a fancy looking paint job. As I said, the one in my hand had a golden paint with small red, blue, green, and purple gem shapes along the barrel and the top of the barrel.

As I stated before, I begun to analyzed the beautiful desgined pistol. Looking at it made me wish it also had a second bladed weapon modification. But it was just a simple firearm. The gun resembled a reguler revolver firearm I saw in that weapon store. But a updated and modified one at that. As instead of a spinning cylinder that had six or more or less shots to contain the bullets, it had a rectangle shaped slider. That opened from the right or left end, with two large opening to slide in the rounds for the gun. And the gun's ammunition were two good sized shotgun shells. Almost the same with the shells Yang uses for her Gauntlets. Though I think their a different brand. I opened the rectangle carterage to the Marshal and looked inside the two circles inside. The sound of the gun's metal clanging as I open and close the gun's ammunition carterage. I also noticed I had my orange one strap bag nexted to me. Down by my left leg. Again, something Ruby spoiled me with. I searched through my bag in search of something. And I eventually found it. A shotgun shell. The top being the slight shiny gold like material. And the base, instead being a classic red like Yang's shotgun shells, it was purple. I really wanted to slide the shell in and test out the firepower to this weapon, but I knew I couldn't obviously. I slipped the gun's carterage back into place. As it made a satisfying clank. I put it back down next to the gun's identical sibling. Through the paint made them the only difference to each other. Suddenly an urge hit me. And I grabbed and opened my journal. The journal I use when I document on school work, and studying. Manly what was in it was facts and sketches of the Grimm I learned and are studying about in my manly classes. Had up to 20 or more pages of the many different Grimm I've learned about. With again pictures of the spacific Grimm in drawing form. With the different facts and information I written next to the dream image. For specifics and example. The Beowolf.

The Symbiote Prototype: A RWBY Anime Crossover Story (SADLY CANCELED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora