Chapter 25. Sneaking out

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Silence. Just silence. Everyone was quiet as the whole school slept. Dreaming their dreams. Except for one. And that's me. I was laying on bed, just waiting for the right moment to make a move. Right when I knew everyone was dead asleep, I started to makey move. "Ok.... Lets go." I whisper. I slowly, ruffle the bedsheets, trying to move on a silent motion. "Come on (Y/N).... Ninja mode." I whisper. I was about to leave the bed. "Ok almost- WAH-!" Two somewhat small yet strong arms pull my back. Nearly making me scream out from the shock. "Mmm... So warm..." The owner of these arms muttered. It was Yang. I had to share her bed. And well.... Now she had me in her grasp. I struggled in her grasp, trying to escape, but also not wake her up. "Come on! Come ON!" I whisper yell. This didnt work. "Hehehe... " Yang giggles in her sleep. What was she dreaming about the made her have such a tight grip? It was painful but come on. "Hehehe, it's a penalty game so you know what that means, you have to do whatever I say..." Yang said in her sleep.

A shocked expression goes on my face. "What the...?" I question. "So many options what should I have you do huh?" Yang asks sleeping talkin still. Suddenly she nuzzles into my neck. My face grows hot. "Ah..." I make a noise from the shock. "Mmm you can't leave, you have to take your punishment (Y/N) hehehe~" She said still nuzzled into my neck. I was going red now, my struggling doubled. "I think I'm gonna do this... " Yang then kisses the back and side of my neck, while her hand, slowly.... Goes to the end of my shirt and she slides her hand.... Under. I shiver as she strokes my stomach. If it wasn't dark, my face would resemble a tomato. "Ahh... " I shiver at Yang's warm, very warm touch. What kind of dream was she dreaming!? I would only wonder. "Mmm... Mmm... " She continues kissing my neck. It makes it worse that I just found out, I'm sensitive. So.... We have a problem here. I try hiding my whimpers and small yelps as Yang most likely was doing in her dream, about do to do... Something to me. "You taste so good... Mmm..." Yang keeps her kissing onslaught on my neck, and she still continues stroking my stomach. I was shivering bad and shaking from her finger tips moving against my skin. Suddenly, Yang reached my chest, and she was going to a more sensitive part on my chest that shouldn't be touch.... 😖. I needed to escape, this wasn't gonna end well if I don't. "Hehe... Those little noise (Y/N). So cute...." Yang said as she nears my sensitive part on my chest. Suddenly, her arms go slack! This was my chance! I quickly slid under her arms and after which, I dove out of the bed. "OOF!" I fall into the floor, hurting my back, pretty bad, but luckily I didn't cause too much noise. Thank god. "Hehehe~ I know I do, I love this (Y/N)..." Yang mutters. She was still sleeping...... She did all that in her sleep. Talk about a naughty dream😓.

Finally, I got up, go to the closet to change, I change intoy jeans, gray shirt, white jacket, and shoes. Then I head out.  Not before having another shiver. I still could feel where she wrapped her arms around me. "*shiver* that was like being born..." I mutter. I open and close the door quiet as ninja. The second the door closes, I run. I run down all the halls, all the corridors, I ran past it all. And my inhuman speed made it easier. Again, the only perk from GenTek's experiments. I reached a turn and I skated to a halt, my shoes scrapping along the ground, then I continued running as I complete a drift like turn with my shoes. Eventually, I find the exit, I slow down to open the door, then close it, slowly and quietly. I was very surprised that I was able to leave the school with no one spotting me. Especially when it was the second time this happened. I must understament myself.

Anyways, I was finally outside, I instantly start running. Making my way to Vale, then to GenTek HQ, or whatever it is. All I care about is getting inside. I ran across the sidewalk entrance to Beacon and was making my way to Vale.

By the time I arrived to Vale, I was really panting for air. Like how dose that happen? I'm a mutated freak, so why I'm I panting for air? Anyways, as I was panting for my breath, I continue walking on the sidewalk, looking at my surroundongs. Trying to look like I'm not gonna bust into a most likely highly protected shady company. I just kinda acted casual. I hady hands ony pockets and I just walks. "Now if my memory is still in working order, I believe, it's over here." I said turning left and continey way down the sidewalk. But I did kinda looks a bit suspicious because I kept checking my sides and looking behind me. Like if I was being followed. Or being watched. I keep walking, without scaring myself.

Finally, I found that dammed building. THAT building that I bearly escaped with my life, just looking at it sickens me. I was on one knee as I eyed the building.

(Y/N): There it is

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(Y/N): There it is.... GenTek. *sigh* Little bastards." I muttered. My angry face then turns into a race of thinking. "Now how do I get in there without being shot?" I muttered to myself. I searched for any opening or any spot that looked unguarded. But there were soany guards patrolling were standing around. And at the entrance doors, there was two large machines gun robots. That madey heart race. How the hell was I suppose to get in? I then jump down from the building as quietly as I could, using the building to slow my fall. Ones I landed I still searched for an opening to enter. But do it was hard. I heldy head as I thought.

Hey kid! What are you doing hear?" A hear a voice behind me. I didn't even need to turn around. As there was a window next to me, and in the refection, was a GenTek guard. "Just taking a walk." I replied. Trying my best not to act or look nervous. "Can you turn around for me?" He asks. "N-no! No... I'm late for something..." I said. "But you said you were just taking a walk." He said. My heart races. "Well I-" Something taps me.  "Have I mentioned this jacket looks familiar to me? It looks like a jacket an escaped criminal wore..." He said. All the blood in me froze.... As my skin went cold. I try walking. "Look I'm just-" "DON'T. FUCKING walk away from me.... Turn the hell around." He said angerly. I felt something poke my back again, I realized, it was the end of this man's gun barrel. He vain angerly asks me. No commands me to turn around. I don't move. "I SAID TURN-" He was cut off, when with one swift motion, I shoot my elbow to his gun and knock it right off his hands. I swiftly turn my body around and I push him to the wall, and I start punching him over and over! Punching him with both my fists. He yells and shouts in pain as I demolish his face. And his mask and helmet wasn't saving him from my fist of furry. I kept punching him until his mask start breaking, and soon start coming off. Now I was punching the man's face. I made him bleed and soon become all bruised up. In the new pull back my left fist, charge up, then bring it down. Punching him hard in the face. Blood flies out and the GenTek guard crashes onto the ground. "Normal guards don't points guns like that." I mutter. I then grab thean and drag him out of point of view. I had an idea.

I just finished doing the last strong of shoelace on the boot. A GenTek boot. I had tooken the guard's uniform and was about to sneak my way in. Luckily he has another helmet and mask. I put it on, while also grabbing the guess gun too. It was a simple M4 assault rifle.

I take out the bag to check if the current one has rounds

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I take out the bag to check if the current one has rounds. It dose. I pop it back in. I had more clips in my GenTek outfit, so I was in fact good. I start walking towards the entrance of the GenTek base. My heart races as I got closer to the entrance. I was waiting for someone to yell at me to stop or something. "Hey Riley." A GenTek guard said as I walked past. "Hey man." I reply. Sounding as causal as I could. And lucky, I did. I walk through the doors, and soon, I walked through the buildings doors. With no suspicion what so ever. Only one thought was going throughy mind, it was: "God be with me.... "


The Symbiote Prototype: A RWBY Anime Crossover Story (SADLY CANCELED)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя