"If it wasn't for me, you would have been with your brother having a good time together by now. Since we couldn't get back, I'm making you feel like you're at home together with Jonah celebrating together and stuff. Just that it's not Jonah, but me." He laughs lightly.

My eyes sparkle. Never did I think that he would do such thing for me, even if it was just a small gesture. I can't help but throw myself into his arms. "Thank you!" I whisper in his ear.

"Nothing." He hugs me back. "Well? Are we going shopping or what?"


The day went by pretty fast and we had a good time. We bought some presents for Leonardo's family and my brother to give them when we get back. Also, we prepared a cake together, as I always did with Jonah. Knowing Leonardo's skills in cooking, he offered to help me and we prepared it together. We had so much fun together and may I say it was one of the best Christmases I ever had. I video called Jonah and showed him the cake. He was very happy and surprised, and said he prepared a cake too with Mrs. Darwin and Ellen. I told him I will get back tonight and he nodded.

I check the time and it is almost 5 pm. Leonardo told me he called Robert and he said there wasn't any storm coming, and we decided to leave at 6 pm. We get the bags ready and drive towards the airport. Robert is waiting for us.

"Well, are you ready to say goodbye to this place?" Leonardo pokes me in my arm.

"I guess I am. I had so much fun in here!" I smile.

After some minutes we find ourselves flying on the big sky, and just a blink later we were landing. I didn't even realise we came to New York. We get out of the jet, and I see Jonah, Ellen, and Mrs. Darwin waiting for us. As soon as Jonah sees me he runs toward me.

"Amelia! You're back!" He opens his small arms and throws them around my neck. I hug him back and start kissing him all over his face.

"My sweetheart, I missed you so much!"

Ellen and Mrs. Darwin come towards us too. "Welcome back." They say. Suddenly, I spot Parker behind them.

"Oh, hey Parker." I greet him.

"Hey." He hugs me, and Leonardo's fists clench. Parker just nods at him, and Leo doesn't do anything at all. There is clearly a tension.

We meet and hug with each other, and leave from the airport to the mansion. Ellen insisted that she wanted all of us there, mentioning the fact that this was the first Christmas after three years that her son celebrated. She said she was going to save it in the calendar as a glorious day.

As soon as we arrive there, one of the maids opens the big front door and we all get inside. We step in the living room and we find Leonardo's dad, Mr. Patrick seated in a chair. We also see Jason, Jennifer, and some other relatives who I met before in the previous dinner. I also see Jonah running towards two little kids who I guess must be Leonardo's little cousins.

We all greet and wish each other Marry Christmas. Except that Leonardo doesn't greet Jennifer, he just greets Jason. I see the harsh looks Leonardo keeps throwing at Parker, and I still don't get it why they aren't in good terms. However, Mr. Patrick orders everyone to sit in their seats, and raises a toast.

"We are here to celebrate Christmas, and to gather together to have a good time as a family. But I would like to raise a toast for my son also, who signed a big contract with Mr. Jordan's company. I'm proud of you son!"

Everyone starts clapping, and I see Leo from the corner of my eye smiling a little. I guess he must feel good about his dad being proud of him. Everyone starts congratulating Leonardo meanwhile chatting about small things. I can say everything is going alright. After some moments, me and Leonardo hand the presents we bought back to Los Angeles to all of the relatives. They start thanking us and some of them hand us presents too. Two hours later, Leonardo's uncles and aunts, and some cousins excuse themselves to leave. In the living room is just me, Leonardo, Ellen, Mr. Patrick, Parker, Jason and Jennifer. Mrs. Darwin left because she was sleepy.

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