Chapter 26 - Do You Know Who Rocio Martinez Is?

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(Nixon's POV)

"How are you?" She asked with a smile, walking up to try and hug me.

Stepping back, I looked at her like she was demented.

She had some nerve trying to touch me. I haven't talked to her or seen her in years, what makes her think that I want to touch her.

I don't even want to talk to her.

Although, I was surprised by her get up. She wasn't rundown and dirty, she was pressed and tidy; the complete opposite than when I last saw her. Her clothes appeared expensive, maybe even designer.

Diamonds occupied her neck, wrist, and hands.

I was somewhat impressed.

I've never seen my mother look this glammed up. She and my dad made great money when I was growing up, but they never made Kadynce's dad's kind of money, or what seems, my mother's new kind of money.

We had nice things, nice cars, a nice house, but we weren't wealthy.

We were more than decent.

"Umm, good. I guess." I said nearly robotically, Kadynce looked at me, observing. She could tell that I didn't want to be in the situation.

"You guess?" She gave me a small smile. "I hear this is yours?" My mother spoke, gesturing around the room. "And more?"

So, that's why she's here. She's must want money, maybe coming by to get what she thinks belongs to her.

My eyes narrowed in on her. "What's your point, Mother?" I stifled a growl.

Kadynce then walked towards me, probably sensing my mood change. She grabbed my forearm, using skin-to-skin contact to calm me.

My mother surrendered her hands as she took multiple steps back. "I'm just saying." She showed innocence, but she's never what she seems to be.

"What do you want?" I commanded because I'm not in the mood for her games. "Money?!" I boiled, pulling my arm out of the hold Kadynce had me in as I stalked to the other side of my desk to grab my checkbook.

"Nixon, baby..." Kadynce trailed off, striving to calm me.

But I ignored her as I slapped my checkbook down on my desk, it was so loud that Kadynce visibly jumped. Opening it up to the first, fresh, and blank check, I snatched up my pen; ready to write.

"How much do you want?" I asked her, venom in my voice, clicking the pen.

Her eyes widened. "Excuse me?" She looked at me, offended.

Kadynce stepped to me. "Nixon, stop it."

I shook my head. "No!" I yelled, causing her to recoil from me. I didn't mean to raise my voice at her, it just came out that way. My mom just makes me so angry. "So, how much, Mother?" I looked back at her. "Let's see, you supported me for about sixteen years of my life then I had to get a job which in turn almost destroyed my high school career. Oh, but wait, you neglected me for your new boyfriend, tainted my father's death, kicked me out on my ass, and then forgot that I existed. Or was that after?" I posed to think about it. "Oh, fuck it." I decided, waving it off. I'm pretty sure she talked shit about my father after kicking me out on my ass.

Writing her a check out in the amount I saw fit, I ripped it from the book and held it out to her. "One-hundred grand cover it?"

Kadynce gasped beside me, protesting.

My mother looked beyond insulted, not reaching for the check at all. "I don't want your damn money."

She was upset, but I didn't care.

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