Chapter 1 - Mommy

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(Kadynce's POV)

"Nikki!" I called my five-year-old daughter, she has insisted on getting herself ready for school in the mornings now.

I told her that I was fine with it as long as I could do her hair because she hadn't mastered that yet. Her hair was just too long for her to manage on her own, unlike mine which I cut to just my shoulders.

Today is her first day attempting it. She explained to me that she's almost six and it's time for her to be more independent.

Her words, not mine.

Plus, there were only two weeks left of school, so it won't be much longer.

She walked in with her school uniform and her backpack on and ready to go. The only thing out of place was her long, black, and wavy bed hair.

I couldn't help but giggle at my beautiful little girl, as she carried a brush in one hair and ponytails in the other. Her grayish-blue eyes shone as bright as her smile, just like her daddy's.

"Yes, Mommy?" She asked.

"It's time to go." I told her as I gestured her to come to me, so I could put her hair into a ponytail. "Where's Jason?" I asked her, brushing her hair up.

"He's with Jakey." She answered simply, and I nodded.

I made sure that my daughter knew that Jake wasn't her real dad. That her real daddy is a wonderful man despite the incident I witnessed him in years ago.

I even put a framed picture of him on her bedside table, I catch her talking to it sometimes. I could never speak badly about Nixon, because the truth is, I'm still in love with him. And one bad decision will never change that. He is the love of my life and the father of my child; I will always feel some type of way for him.

"Are they almost ready?" I asked her, tightening her hair in a high ponytail.

I was already ready, as I am every morning at seven o'clock, scrubs on and ready to go.

"They're putting on shoes." Nikki told me, her voice factually.

I have been told that she has an impeccable vocabulary for her age, especially by her preschool teacher.

Grabbing her white hair bow from the kitchen counter, one that she had left down here the other day, I placed it in her hair right in front of her ponytail.

Setting her pancake and eggs on the table, I told her that I would be right back. I had to go check on the boys, they are always the last to come down, specifically Jake.

Running up the steps, I went straight to Jason's room to see him pulling on one of his shoes. "Mommy, shoe?" He looked up at me, his eyebrows coming together on his forehead as he held up his other shoes for me to see.

"But you're doing so good Jase." I teased him, poking his nose with my index finger before reaching down to help him put on his other shoe. He's playing with his cuteness in an attempt to get me to help him because these shoes are velcro. Jase does not know how to tie his shoes, he just turned three and is the opposite of his sister, Nikkol. Unlike Nikki, he wants me to do any and everything for him.

I don't mind it though; I miss doing it for Nikkol.

"Are you guys ready?" Jake asked stopping in front of Jason's door.


Jake is not in one of his moods this morning.

He was dressed in his navy-blue suit, hair combed to the side like it is every day of his life. He wore a smile today which I was surprised about because usually, he is not a morning person.

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