Chapter 27 - Naoki, Call 911

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(Kadynce POV)

"Nixon, come on!" I called to him, flattening out my hair as I checked out my outfit in the full-size mirror downstairs by the front door. I wore a yellow, strapless, summer dress that stopped mid-thigh, decorated with blue flowers matching it with my bright blue low top Chucks. "We're already late!"

"Babe, I'm here." He responded, coming down the stairs.

Turning to him, I slipped on my short jean jacket. I couldn't help but to check him out. He looked so good in his cargo khaki shorts and plain white shirt. He matched me with the Chucks, except his were red.

"You look good." I smiled up at him. "I told you the shorts would work."

He didn't know if the shorts would look good on him, but they look hot. He thought they would be too tight and too short, but they fit loose enough and stopped just at his knees.

His tattoos were definitely on display now; his legs and his arms. He even had his lip ring in.


Lifting his shirt, he showed me his waist. "Yeah, but only because I have them a little low on my hips. "My package screamed when I pulled them up too far." He chuckled, dropping his shirt to slip on his sunglasses.

"If I wasn't pregnant, I'd get pregnant just by looking at you." I sighed; he is literally beautiful.

Dropping his sunglasses on his nose and looking above the lenses, he eyed me. "Are you trying to start something?" He approached me, but I stepped back with a giggle.

I can't compliment this man without him getting aroused.

"Nix, no." I shouldn't even have said anything. "I need to learn to keep my thoughts to myself." I joked.

He rolled his eyes before pushing his glasses back up on his face. "Did you get their gifts off the kitchen counter?"

I shook my head, looking back into the mirror once more to check my outfit with my jean jacket. "I was going to leave that to you."

Rushing to the kitchen, he grabbed the gifts and came back. We got them a bottle of very that Nixon already had, wrapped an everything. Then we picked out a few candles from the store last night.

"Carry this one." Nixon handed me the gift bag with candles.

Grabbing my phone, I slipped it in my jacket pocket.

I've held my phone close since I left the hospital with Rocio earlier today. Mom stayed with Rocio overnight at the hospital, so Daddy could go back home. My parents are really worried about Rocio, Daddy won't ever let her leave with the rest of the squad to cheer Camp tonight until he knows for sure that she is okay.

Rocio was fine with that but was also upset that she couldn't ride the bus with the rest of the squad, she feels a little out. Daddy said that he will end up driving her up there when he thinks she is ready.

She'll be there a day or two later than everyone else.

Rocio barely remembers last night, she has blocks in her memory starting a few hours after getting to the cabin.

I feel sick to my stomach over what happened to her, but extremely relieved because it could have been a horrible, life-changing event. Being violated and sexually assaulted stays with you for the rest of your life. You maybe heal from it, but you always have thoughts in the back of your mind, afraid that at any moment it can happen again.

I fear for my children, praying they never, ever have to go through anything like what I went through or even Rocio.

Nixon set the alarm before opening the front door, walking out, he locked up as I waited for him at the bottom of the steps. As soon as he got a few steps away from me I started walking but he stopped me, grabbing my wrist.

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