Chapter 20 - It's Okay, Babe

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(Pierce's POV)

I chose an earlier flight out because of two reasons.


Kadynce's dad called me this morning to tell me that Jase fell at the park and broke his wrist. He had to be taken to the hospital.

I asked him how bad it was, but he just told me that they gave him medicine, a temporary cast, and told Kadynce that she must take him to a specialist.

Jake; the second reason.

Once Jake was out of my sight last night, I felt extremely helpless. I couldn't sleep later that night because I couldn't stop my mind from wandering, thinking that he was there, in Rochester, hurting Kadynce and there was nothing that I could do about it.

I want to be with her, Nikki, and Jase to protect them even though I know that Kadynce's family will not let anything happen to them. I needed to be there for my piece of mind.

So, I caught the earliest flight that I could.

And because of that earlier flight, I'm here, knocking at the door of Kadynce's parents' house.

Checking the time on my phone; 1:34 PM.

They should all be awake.

Well, Jase and Kadynce may not be.

"Nana!" I heard Nikki through the door as I chuckled to myself. Gosh, I missed her so much. "Nana! It's Daddy! I saw him on the camera!" Hearing the lock click on the other side of the door, it was opened wide. "Daddy!" Nikki, she screamed in happiness, running to me.

Catching her in my arms, I hugged her close. "My princess." I peppered her face with kisses making her giggling. "I missed my bunny." I kissed her one last time on the forehead, stepping into the house. "Hey, Lahni." I side hugged her.

"Welcome home, Pierce." She smiled up at me.

I returned her smile but focused on my daughter as she demanded my immediate attention. "I missed you too, Daddy." She calmed down as I held her still. "Jase got hurt his wrist and had to the hospital."

I nodded at my daughter, following Lahni to the kitchen after kicking off my shoes at the door. I'm guessing that's where they were before answering the door for me because they had baking ingredients sitting out on the counter. "I know, Papa told me." I told her. "Where is Jase?"

"Taking a nap with Papa." She responded. "Nana and I are baking sugar cookies for Jase to help make him feel better. Jase loves sugar cookies."

"Where's Kadynce?" I asked, turning to Lahni. She was gathering more baking supplies for their cookies.

Lahni motioned her head upward. "She's still asleep. She got home around six o'clock this morning but stayed up until we woke up."

I froze, eyeing Lahni strangely. "Wait, what?" I panicked.

What the hell was Kadynce doing out all night?

We've been in a weird place, what if she's seeing someone else? I mean, she did go out and have a whole entire kid on me.

"She was with Enzo at the hospital." I took a relaxing breath as I was getting ready to ask why, but Lahni cut me off. "They were with Candice; she had her baby this morning."

My draw dropped.

I was shocked to hear that Candice had her baby but was even more shocked to hear that she allowed Kadynce to be in the room with her. She wasn't too happy with seeing me or Kadynce at the store that night. If murder was legal, she probably would have killed us both.

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